Hi, i'm Balikuddembe Emmanuel, a passionate self-taught full stack developer from Uganda in EastAfrica.I have learnt a lot from the open-source community,on-line bootcamps and i love how collaboration and knowledge sharing happen through open-source.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on a migration of a Safety Management System from a PHP Framwork to a Java Framework & React Front End. Also working on a Library Management System for a High school in React and Java Spring.
- My most recent accomplishment: Developed a React Native Expo app (with a Java Backend) that helps farmers purchase farming supplies on credit basing on their credit score and integrated it with the MTN Mobile Money API. The app won the hackathon.
- ☎️ I’m on the look out for remote full stack web development opportunities
- My next learning goals are developing cloud based solutions (using AWS) & using CI/CD tools (such as Docker)
- 💬 ask me anything about Soccer.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I find joy in both coding and gaming.