A community-curated list of resources relevant to scientific ballooning in all its forms.
- Points to code, how-tos, digital files, or documentation on a specific project; no files or resources are hosted or maintained here
- Lowers the barrier to entry for those conducting research, experiments, and technology development using balloon-based platforms
- Encourages reuse, providing starting points for practitioners seeking to avoid reinventing the wheel
- Enhances searchability
It follows the awesome list format. It's written in Markdown, which is human-readable in text form, and easy to write.
- Not an endorsement by the maintainers (see also this repo's LICENSE) or any other entity or organization
- Makes no guarantee that the item is fit for purpose, or that the item will never be obsolete; only the end user can make that judgment!
- Not a place to advertise commercial products
- Projects and guides that incorporate commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) products are fine (can you imagine having to hand make every resistor and capacitor for your electronics project?), but the list item must add some additional value
Thinking about contributing? The best place to get started is the Contributing Guidelines.
You can find other information here.
High-lift super-pressure, zero-pressure envelopes. e.g. SuperBIT, BLAST
Hand-launches, solar balloons, radiosondes, rawinsondes, etc.