- Encaplusation: Building of data and behaviours, that are similar, together ex: Bike class can has color, year, model number, clean and ride functions
- Abstraction: Access to something complex without knowing the inner workings we will just call clean() method and bike is clean However, beneath the hood clean function is doing lots of steps to clean the bike (fill the bucket)
- Inheritence: create hierarchical relationships between items Student, Mechanic, Doctor are all People (they below to the people class) they all have fucntions walk() sleep() run(), variables: height, name, age But Mechanic class already inherits generic People class and species new specific methods
- Polymorphism Multiple functions of the same name doing something specific Gardnener works differently from Doctor we can add a function of work to each of our people based on the type of person (which work they do) many forms of the same work() method
#prints global variables defned somwhere in the php script (functions can access them)
# prints the server infor like http_host
# print all requests info (get and post, headers)
# only print the body of the request
# converts special html characters into the associated entities ex: <> " & for safety (for when we try to read what was in the get or post request so we do not run javascript code accidentally)
htmlspecialchars($_GET["q"], ENT_QUOTES)
# also does the single quote
htmlspecialchars($_GET["q"] ?? "", ENT_QUOTES)
# check if $_GET["q"] exists or use empty string
php -S localhost:8080
above is a command line to run php index file on a local server (not good for prod tho, use nginx)
by default it accesses index.php but you can access individual files with
tail -f logs/query.log
to see the logs stream in
php -r "phpinfo();" | grep php.ini
Loaded Configuration File => /opt/homebrew/etc/php/8.2/php.ini
We need to store sessions state somewhere outside of the php code since php is stateless. Thus, we just give user browser a cookie which has an actual file name stored in that cookie value While in our local computer we store this file locally which contains an actuall session info (refer to course2/login.php) For example, this file can contain if user isAdmin, cookie tells php which file to look for. Thus, actual session info is stored on the server itself, not in a cookie file (treat cookie as a pointer).
To find file location:
php -r 'echo "PHP Sessions PATH: ".((session_save_path()) ? session_save_path():sys_get_temp_dir() ).PHP_EOL;'
example of a PHP session file in /var/folders/j8/y8s9d0gx72jd3w5dg05xfzwr0000gp/T
The cookie pointing to this file will contain the value of:
The context of the file:
The way how it works in code:
$_SESSION['username'] = $row->name;
$_SESSION['isAdmin'] = $row->isAdmin;
Navigate to phpMyAdmin folder (where you downloaded from phpadmin)
cd /Users/amirganiev/Documents/learning/php/phpMyAdmin-5.2.1-all-languages
Start the php server in the folder
php -S localhost:8090
contains important configuration for phpMyAdmin. Such as host path (default is localhost) You can configure this file and save toconfig.inc.php
Installation process:
Now simply run the below command in your terminal $ brew install mysql
Start the MySQL service $ brew services start mysql
Set root MySQL password $ mysqladmin -u root password 'secretpassword'
Access MySQL on mac , THE PASSWORWID IS 'secretpassword' $ mysql -u root -p
Command will ask the password you just set in the previous step.
Things to remember Stop MySQL service on Mac start
If you don't want MySQL service to start every time you start your mac then run the below command
$ brew services stop mysql This will stop the MySQL service from running in the background.
Start MySQL service
You can always run the below command to start the MySQL server on mac and it will not start on the next computer restart
$ mysql.server start Stop MySQL service
If you want to immediately stop the MySQL service then run the below command
$ mysql.server stop
#HOW TO WORK WITH COMPOSER https://weaintplastic.github.io/web-development-field-guide/Development/Frontend_Development/Setting_up_your_project/Setup_Dependency_Managers/Composer/Initialize_Composer_on_a_new_Project.html
Use your command line and navigate to the root folder of your project and enter
$ composer init After that you'll get some questions ask in order to generate composers's configuration file `composer.json``
Package name (<vendor>/<name>): vendor/name
Description []: // leave empty
Author: Roland Loesslein <info@weaintplastic.com>
Minimum Stability []: // leave empty if not specified
License []: // leave empty if not specified
Would you like to define your dependencies (require) interactively [yes]? no
Would you like to define your dev dependencies (require-dev) interactively [yes]? no
Do you confirm generation [yes]? yes
To specify a directory where the composer libraries are saved to, please open up your composer.jsonand add the following line. I just tend to rename the default vendor-dir vendor to composer_vendor to follow the naming scheme that is used by Bower and NPM.
"config": {
"vendor-dir": "composer_vendor"
You are now ready to install your third party libraries, frameworks and such using composer. Therefore you use your command line and the command composer require
$ composer require erusev/parsedown:~1.0
The installed packages are saved in your projects root folder named composer_vendor. While your frontend dependencies are usually not needed during runtimem but compiled for shipping, your composer dependencies are most likely used during runtime. Make sure to NOT exclude your composer_vendor folder from being tracked by git.
There are 4 ways to confgure a sessions:
is used to set session configuration for php for the whole directory (which is what we did while learning) (medium global)phpini
file for the running instance of php in the server (most global)- Apache configuration file,
for running instance of Apache (most global) ini_set()
for one php file (the least global)
You can use phpinfo.php
script located in the directory of interest to see what is the session configuration for this directory in the session
section of the information displayed. You can also view the master configuration for the session that was overwritten by this directory configuration (for example .httaccess
overwrite of the master configs)