Ampere is a self-driving 10×10 cm robot designed for robot-sumo competitions, analogous to the sport of sumo.
The robot utilizies the following pieces of electronic hardware:
- Arduino Nano (1×): main control unit using an ATmega328 microcontroller
- HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor (1×): utilized for detecting the opponent and initiating an attack
- QTR-1A reflectance sensor (2×): utilized for keeping the robot inside the field using the floor color
- L298N motor driver (1×): utilized for controlling the movement of the 6V DC motors
- JSumo 6V DC motor (2×): connect to the motor driver and handle mobility
- 9V battery (2×): provide power for the robot
The functionality of the robot is divided into 3 layers of abstraction (ordered from lowest to highest):
Libraries dealing with digital/analog input/output to the electronic hardware
- HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor library; developed by gamegine
- QTR-1A reflectance sensor library; developed by me
- L298N motor driver library; developed by me
System classes providing a liaison between the microcontroller and hardware libraries through signals:
- Navigation system: utilizes the sensors to handle edge/opponent detection and produces boolean signals
- Motion control system: utilizes the motor driver to handle various movement types
Microcontroller Arduino file controlling the behaviour
Writing the entire program in the microcontroller.ino is also feasible. However, dividing the program into multiple abstraction layers allows for better readability and debugging.