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cjfringe edited this page Jun 2, 2019 · 1 revision

Barfleet Technical Docs


Please bear in mind that I know damn near nothing. I'm coming into this with a different set of eyes that haven't been adapted to fleet technical stuff. I am absolutely certain that there are reasons for everything and anything that I write is intended to be non judgemental (example - my first comment to Hawke was that phpMyAdmin should be updated. Why? Because its 3 years out of date and in my experience phpMyAdmin is a damn certain source of exploits; but perhaps it is deliberately this version because it is the one version of that code that is golden; idk; I'm just looking at the 3 year delta since an update). I am perfectly happy to be told where I am wrong, stupid, etc; I'm an adult and used to push back.

I find for this type of document, knowing nothing is actually an asset rather than a liability.


  • Wagner - author of this document; back end; ruby; db stuff; devops; plays a sysadmin on AWS but doesn't admit that (github username: fuzzygroup)
  • Hawke - leader of the web team, fleetwide crew database (github username: DeusInnomen)
  • Jingly Kleavage - possible development contributor if we used Ruby (but busy)
  • zacapa - front end, php, wordpress, sysadmin
  • uisge - management, badgering, content
  • snusnu - drink database for wordpress, sysadmin, id / crew database

Ships and Online Status

Links from the home page:

Open Questions

  1. So the first question I would ask is where do we track issues like "fix broken links on the home page?" I've heard possibly Trello. If so url to the trello board ?
  2. Is the fleetwide crew database the db located at barfeet_AbnCmdCtr with tables named carrier_matrix, craw_info, etc?
  3. Should ships have their own top level domain or a subdomain from the or both?

Tooling Powering the Different Web Sites

The main database server holds databases for these types of projects:

  • barfleet_AbnCmdCtr - fleet wide crew database?
  • barfleet_cpm1 - seems like a photo system
  • barfleet_delirium - WORDPRESS
  • barfleet_shamelessdrupal - DRUPAL
  • barfleet_wordpress - WORDPRESS


  • Something is located at; don't exactly know what. This resolves to

Development Tooling

  • Mostly done off Hawke's personal github
  • Possiby a trello board
  • phpMyAdmin

Development Process

  • Seemingly none

Security Issues

  • phpMyAdmin is 3 years old and needs to be updated (imho)

Pricing for Github Teams

Pricing for Github teams is $25 / month for the first 5 users or $9 / user / month. So the question is how many actual developers we have. Another approach would be to install an instance of Gitlab onto a server of our own. I'm setting Github Teams like this up for a new project and I'll come back with an assessment.


  • Yo - a partner of a member. 1 to many relationship i.e. 1 person can have multiple Yos