Originally, this said:
"I like immutable infrastructure. My favorite development and general working platform is an Arch Linux based system with i3wm using a bunch of commandline tools."
"Let's make that immutable too."
In the end, this repository is meant to be a portable dotfile repository setting up everything with Ansible, targetting WSL2 / Ubuntu on Windows 10.
- Setup a WSL environment to my taste
Repo is tested with Molecule For testing with an Ubuntu, use the provided Vagrantfile with this repo.
On 2022-09-24, issues with pip3 and cryptography / pyOpenssl were discovered. They can be fixed with this script
wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
sudo python get-pip.py
sudo pip3 install cryptography --upgrade
sudo pip3 install pyOpenssl --upgrade
Initial inspiration came from LARBS, the dotfiles idea bororowed from LARBS and wincent
AUR Support implemented by ansible-aur, using commit 33929f9 (Dec 3, 2017)
October 2022, I moved to Neovim as I was inspired by the amazing content create by ThePrimeagen (Github and TJ DeVries (Github)