Streamcrab is a realtime twitter sentiment analyzer
This is the second version of the tool, and it is rewritten completely from previous version (still available in legacy branch)
- Supports MaxEnt and Bayes classifiers (defaults to MaxEnt)
- Simplified tweets collection (see
Collecting raw Tweets
) - Simplified trainer (see
Train classifier
) - Build in HTTP Server & frontend based on gevent and Flask
- Unittests tested
- Utilization of multi-core systems
- Scalable (in theory :)
- python 2.7
- python2.7-dev
- mongodb server
Debian like systems:
apt-get install python2.7 python2.7-dev mongodb-server
Checkout latest streamcrab branch from github
git clone ./streamcrab
cd streamcrab
copy smm/ to smm/ and edit smm/ according to your needs
cp smm/ smm/
nano smm/
Download and install required libs and data
python develop
python toolbox/
Run unittests
python -m unittest discover tests
The base of data training is an assumption that tweets with happy emoticons :) are positive and tweets with sad :( emoticons have negative sentiment polarity
Wether this assumption is correct or not is outside the scope of this document.
Collect 2000 'happy' tweets
python toolbox/ happy 2000
Collect 2000 'sad' tweets
python toolbox/ sad 2000
for more options see
python toolbox/ --help
Create and save new classifier trained from collected tweets
python toolbox/ maxEntTestCorpus 2000
for more options see
python toolbox/ --help
open 3 shells and type in each:
open browser on
Show detailed info on collected Tweets and saved classifiers
python toolbox/
Its worth mention that Training data size
is the size of the trained classifier after it has been
serialized (pickled) whit protocol=1 actual Memory Usage may vary...
You can directly interact with the trained classifier and get verbose output on how the score is calculated
replace maxEntTestCorpus
with desired classifier name see Show stats
to display available classifiers
python toolbox/ maxEntTestCorpus
You should see:
exit: ctrl+c
Loaded maxEntTestCorpus
Type something and hit enter:
Classify: today is a bad day for this nation
Classification: negative with 53.29%
Feature negativ positiv
bad==1 (1) 0.074
today==1 (1) 0.027
day==1 (1) 0.008
bad==1 (1) -0.178
nation==1 (1) 0.139
today==1 (1) -0.035
day==1 (1) -0.007
TOTAL: 0.109 -0.081
PROBS: 0.533 0.467
for more options see
python toolbox/ --help
see :
Run everything behind nginx >= 1.3.13, automate processes management with supervisord.
Since nginx 1.3.13 supports websockets, so you should probably use latest stable version.
This is only one way of many to deploy the app. in folder ex.conf there are sample config files for nginx and supervisord.