APTPlugin is a demonstrator plugin for the new SigDigger's plugin support. It enables APT decoding as a new inspector widget, under the following demodulators:
- Audio demodulator: in which the channel is treated as a regular audio channel, and the audio FM demodulator is switched on (this is the recomended configuration)
- Digital FM demodulator (FSK): which relies on the classic FSK demodulator provided by Suscan (this one is usually faster, but it also lets in more noise)
- Digital AM demodulator (ASK): which treats the signal as the AM subcarrier of the FM channel.
APTPlugin uses the spectrum palettes to colorize the decoded map. This is what some of the available palettes look like over the same map:
Step 1: generate makefiles
Make sure that sigutils, suscan, SuWidgets and SigDigger have been installed in a system-wide location with sudo make install
$ cd APTPlugin
$ qmake APTPlugin.pro
Step 2: build
$ make
Step 3: install
$ mkdir -p ~/.suscan/plugins
$ cp libAPTPlugin.so.1.0.0 ~/.suscan/plugins
And that's it! :D