spray-solr is a simple Solr DSL for Scala and Spray.
There is no repo for spray-solr, yet. So just build it yourself from the sources here. If you want to build it as part of another Scala project add:
lazy val spraySolr = RootProject( uri("git://github.com/Bathtor/spray-solr.git") )
to your Build.scala and have your project dependOn(spraySolr).
Create SolrService actor:
val solrService = system.actorOf(
props = Props[SolrService],
name = "solr-service");
Don't forget that you need to have a spray-client running at context.actorFor("../http-client")
(relative to the context of the SolrService).
Create query "http://localhost:8983/solr/core1/select?q=test&wt=json&rows=10" with:
val solrQuery = Solr("localhost", 8983, "core1").q("test").rows(10)()
or if you have com.typesafe.config.Config config file with something like
test.solr {
ip = "localhost"
port = 8983
core = "/solr/core1"
and an akka.actor.ActorSystem with that config in scope:
val solrQuery = Solr("test.solr").q("test").rows(10)()
Then send the request off to the SolrService instance (let's say we have it in scope in solrService
) and remember the the future (if doing ask):
val solrResponseFuture = solrService ? solrQuery
Now say you expect the response from Solr to have two fields test1 and test2 with string values and you want those end up in a nice case class like:
case class SolrTestResult(val test1: String, val test2: String)
You need to get a spray-json formatter for SolrTestResult into scope. You can find out how to do that in the SprayJson documentation.
One you have that you can get the list of results:
solrResponseFuture onSuccess {
case solrResponse: SolrResults => {
val testResults: List[SolrTestResult] = solrResponse.as[SolrTestResult]
// do something with the results
case SolrError => {
// handle the error
If you need to trigger data-import from inside your application logic you can do so the same way as you send queries, and simply replace the solrQuery
from above with:
val solrQuery = Solr("test.solr").dataimport.full.clean.commit.optimise()
or simply (and equivalently in this case)
val solrQuery = Solr("test.solr").dataimport()
You can find the scaladoc for spray-solr here: http://bathtor.github.com/spray-solr/api
spray-solr is licensed under APL 2.0.