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Target Handler

⚠️ Usage of MixinSquared on a maintained project is discouraged ⚠️
Making a PR or raising an issue would be more suitable

The @TargetHandler selector allows any injector to target a handler that was added to the mixin'd class.

The handler takes in two required and two optional arguments:

  • mixin: The fully qualified class name for the mixin the handler originates from.
    • Required
  • name: The name of the handler method. Optionally followed by the descriptor.
    • Required
    • This must be the exact name of the handler in the target mixin, if the handler is prefixed with the modid, then the name argument must also.
    • As of 0.1.2-beta.5 the name argument behaves the same as the default selector's target such that now it can accept a full descriptor.
  • prefix: The prefix added to the front of handler methods by Mixin.
    • Optional, will match the first prefix if not specified.
    • See the table below for the prefixes.
  • print: Print all possible candidates for the selector
    • Optional
    • Will disable the selector matching.

When targetting a mixin'd handler with an injector, set the method parameter to @MixinSquared:Handler to delegate the targeting to the dynamic selector.


Let's say the following mixin exists:

public abstract class TargetClassMixin {
        method = "targetMethod", 
        at = @At(
            value = "INVOKE", 
            target = "Lpackage/to/TargetClass;damage(Lpackage/to/class/DamageSource;F)Z"
    private boolean handleDamage(TargetClass instance, DamageSource source, float amount) {
        if(!AnotherMod.handleDamage(source, amount)) {
            LOGGER.warn("Could not handle damage");

You may want to stop this mixin from always giving a warning when the mod doesn't handle the damage, and instead reduce the level to debug.

This can be done like so:

@Mixin(value = TargetClass.class, priority = 1500) // priority is higher than the target mixin
public abstract class TargetClassMixinSquared {
        mixin = "com.bawnorton.mixin.TargetClassMixin", 
        name = "handleDamage"
        method = "@MixinSquared:Handler", 
        at = @At(
            value = "INVOKE", 
            target = "org/slf4j/Logger.warn(Ljava/lang/String;)V"
    private void reduceLogLevel(Logger instance, String message) {

The target handler can target other mod's mixin squared mixins as long as the priority is higher.

More Examples:

Targeting a handler with a specific prefix

Target mixin:

public abstract class TargetClassMixin {
    @Inject(method = "targetMethod", at = @At("HEAD"))
    private void targetMethod(CallbackInfo ci) {
            method = "targetMethod", 
            at = @At(
                    value = "INVOKE", 
                    target = "Lpackage/to/TargetClass;someMethod(Lpackage/to/class/SomeClass;IIF)V"
    private float targetMethod(float arg) {
        return arg * 2;

Targeting @Inject handler:

@Mixin(value = TargetClass.class, priority = 1500)
public abstract class TargetClassMixinSquared {
        mixin = "com.bawnorton.mixin.TargetClassMixin", 
        name = "targetMethod", 
        prefix = "handler"
    @Inject(method = "@MixinSquared:Handler", at = @At("HEAD"))
    private void doSomething(CallbackInfo originalCi, CallbackInfo ci) {"Injecting into handler$######$modid$targetMethod");

Targeting @ModifyArg handler:

@Mixin(value = TargetClass.class, priority = 1500)
public abstract class TargetClassMixinSquared {
        mixin = "com.bawnorton.mixin.TargetClassMixin", 
        name = "targetMethod", 
        prefix = "modify"
    @Inject(method = "@MixinSquared:Handler", at = @At("HEAD"))
    private void doSomething(float arg, CallbackInfo ci) {"Injecting into modify$######$modid$targetMethod");
Targeting handler that explicitly contains the modid

Target mixin:

public abstract class TargetClassMixin {
    @Inject(method = "targetMethod", at = @At("HEAD"))
    private void modid$targetMethod(CallbackInfo ci) {

Targeting the handler:

@Mixin(value = TargetClass.class, priority = 1500)
public abstract class TargetClassMixinSquared {
        mixin = "com.bawnorton.mixin.TargetClassMixin", 
        name = "modid$targetMethod"
    @Inject(method = "@MixinSquared:Handler", at = @At("HEAD"))
    private void doSomething(CallbackInfo originalCi, CallbackInfo ci) {"Injecting into modid$targetMethod");
Targeting and using MixinExtras injectors

Target mixin:

public abstract class TargetClassMixin {
        method = "targetMethod", 
        at = @At(
            value = "INVOKE", 
            target = "Lpackage/to/TargetClass;someMethod(Lpackage/to/class/SomeClass;IIF)Z"
    private boolean targetMethod(TargetClass instance, SomeClass someClass, int i, int j, float f, Operation<Boolean> original) {
        boolean originalResult =, someClass, i, j, f);
        return originalResult || AnotherMod.someMethod(someClass);

Changing the returned value of the AnotherMod.someMethod call:

@Mixin(value = TargetClass.class, priority = 1500)
public abstract class TargetClassMixinSquared {
        mixin = "com.bawnorton.mixin.TargetClassMixin", 
        name = "targetMethod"
            method = "@MixinSquared:Handler", 
            at = @At(
                    value = "INVOKE", 
                    target = "Lpackage/to/AnotherMod;someMethod(Lpackage/to/class/SomeClass;)Z"
    private boolean checkOwnMethod(boolean original) {
        return original && YourMod.someMethod();


Annotation Prefix
@Inject handler
@ModifyArg modify
@ModifyArgs args
@ModifyConstant constant
@ModifyVariable localvar
@Redirect redirect
Mixin Extras
@ModifyExpressionValue modifyExpressionValue
@ModifyReciever modifyReciever
@ModifyReturnValue modifyReturnValue
@WrapWithCondition wrapWithCondition
@WrapOperation wrapOperation
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