This repo is a starter template for Nuxt 3 + TailwindCSS + Prisma. It is a part of the starter templates I am creating. Why? I am tired of creating the same boilerplate over and over again. I want to focus on the project, not the boilerplate.(This was auto suggested by GitHub Copilot) This can be used if you want to have your backend and frontend in the same repo.
Clone the repo and install the dependencies.
npm install
Create a .env file and add the following variables.
Add your mongo db url
Run the app
npm run dev
- Nuxt 3
- TailwindCSS
- Prisma
- Headless UI
- ChartJS (VueChartJS)
- Vue 3 Toastify
- VueUse
- Vue 3 Easy DataTable
- VeeValidate
- Yup
- Nuxt Icon
Look at the package.json for more information. Package JSON
- Home
- Login
- Register
- Dashboard
- Charts
- Forms
- Modals
- Tables
Check out the pages folder for more information. Pages
- /api/auth/login - Login Route
- /api/auth/logout - Logout Route
- /api/auth/me - Me Route
- /api/auth/me - Register Route
Two middlewares are at play here
The server auth middleware - This will get the user based on the http cookie holding a jwt token. If the token exists, then the user will be retrieved from the database and attached to the event context. If the token does not exist, then the user will be null. Server Auth Middleware
The route middleware - This will check if the user is logged in. If the user is not logged in, then the user will be redirected to the login page. Route Middleware