Template for creating a Dissertation/Thesis with LaTeX for a Ph.D. in Physics at Baylor University.
- This template was originally used to create a Thesis for a Master of Computer Science, which is why the name Thesis often appears instead of Dissertation.
- The template is being ported over for use for Physics Ph.D. Dissertations.
This is a template repository. To use this repository as a starting point for a Dissertation/Thesis, click the green "Use this template" button and create a new private repository. The new repository should have the same directory structure and files, but will only have one initial commit.
To compile, use:
make -j8
When some files are edited, such as thesis.cls, you need to make clean first.
make clean
make -j8
- I'm doing "A Thesis", not "A Dissertation"; how do I change the autogenerated title?
- Change
\project{A Dissertation}
to\project{A Thesis}
in thesis.tex.
- Change
- I have a "Thesis Committee", not a "Dissertation Committee"; how do I change the autogenerated title?
- Change
\committee{Dissertation Committee}
to\committee{Thesis Committee}
in thesis.tex.
- Change
- I want to shorten authors to 'Author et al.' when there are more than two, how?
- This template now uses the style package IEEEtranBaylorPhys, which is based on IEEEtran and modified by Kenichi Hatakeyama. More info at https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/67444/doi-in-ieeetran-bibliography
- This template previously used the style package "chicago", which does that by \shortcite. More info at http://ctan.math.washington.edu/tex-archive/biblio/bibtex/contrib/chicago/chicago.sty
- My links to chapters and sections are not clickable, why?
- This issue was solved by adding \usepackage{hyperref}. However, that caused problems with appendicies. Adding \appendix before actually including them seem to solve the issue.
- How do I get rid of the red boxes on my table of contents links as required by Baylor?
- Use
\usepackage[hyperfootnotes=false, hidelinks=true]{hyperref}
- See tip here: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/823/remove-ugly-borders-around-clickable-cross-references-and-hyperlinks
- The real question is why are these boxes there by default...
- Use