This is a demo app for my talk at the Flutter Holland Meetup on July 27th in Amsterdam.
It features:
- Basic Serverpod Email Authentication
- LunchSpotVoting
- Propose LunchSpot (Save entry in DB)
- Get LunchSpots (Read from DB)
- Vote for Lunchspot (Update entry in DB)
For everyone who couldn't attend you can find the tutorial here.
You can follow the instructions on the official Flutter website: Flutter Installation Guide
You can follow the instructions on the official Docker website: Docker Installation Guide
Once you have Flutter and Docker installed and configured, open up a terminal and install Serverpod by running:
dart pub global activate serverpod_cli
To clone run:
git clone ""
Create /bloc_demo/bloc_demo_server/config/passwords.yaml
and add the development passwords as in docker-compose.yaml
database: 'SZ0F9XiNnUQTYRTxHTmQYPRiCHhyu4hO'
redis: 'cgc1yUSXgYozFhHNU86hmgLN2Z4oFIOb'
Navigate to the server directory:
cd ./bloc_demo/bloc_demo_server/
Make sure you have Docker running and start up the database:
docker-compose up --build --detach
Run the server and apply the migrations to your (fresh) database:
dart bin/main.dart --apply-migrations
If your database already has all the changes you just run:
dart bin/main.dart
then all you need to do is navigate to bloc_demo_flutter
and run:
flutter run