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Creating Your First Application with File (RWX) Storage

Now that you have a lab with Trident configured and storage classes, you can request a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) for your application.

For this task you will be deploying Ghost (a light weight web portal) utlilising RWX (Read Write Many) file-based persistent storage over NFS. You will find a few .yaml files in the Ghost directory, so ensure that your putty terminal on the lab is set to the correct directory for this task:

[root@rhel3 ~]# cd /root/netapp-bootcamp/trident_with_k8s/tasks/file_app/ghost

The .yaml files provided are for:

  • A PVC to manage the persistent storage of this application
  • A DEPLOYMENT that will define how to manage the application
  • A SERVICE to expose the application

Feel free to familiarise yourself with the contents of these .yaml files if you wish. You will see in the 1_pvc.yaml file that it specifies ReadWriteMany as the access mode, which will result in k8s and Trident providing an NFS based backend for the request. A diagram is provided below to illustrate how the PVC, deployment, service and surrounding infrastructure all hang together:

A. Create the application

From this point on, it is assumed that the required backend & storage class have already been created either by you or your bootcamp facilitator.

We will create this application in its own namespace (which also makes clean-up easier).

[root@rhel3 ghost]# kubectl create namespace ghost
namespace/ghost created

Next, we apply the .yaml configuration within the new namespace:

[root@rhel3 ghost]# kubectl create -n ghost -f ../ghost/
persistentvolumeclaim/blog-content created
deployment.apps/blog created
service/blog created

Display all resources for the ghost namespace (your specific pod name of blog-XXXXXXXX-XXXX will be unique to your deployment and will need to be used again later in this task):

[root@rhel3 ghost]# kubectl get all -n ghost
NAME                        READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
pod/blog-6bf7df48bb-b7d6r   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          15s

NAME           TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)        AGE
service/blog   LoadBalancer   80:30080/TCP   14s

NAME                   READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/blog   0/1     1            0           15s

NAME                              DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/blog-6bf7df48bb   1         1         0       15s

Some k8s objects are hidden from the kubectl get all command output. To display the PV and PVC associated with your application we need to run a separate command:

[root@rhel3 ghost]# kubectl get pvc,pv -n ghost
NAME                                 STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
persistentvolumeclaim/blog-content   Bound    pvc-f0b2655f-b451-4087-b68c-9f2416ec999a   5Gi        RWX            sc-file-rwx    2m6s

NAME                                                        CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS   CLAIM                                     STORAGECLASS   REASON   AGE
persistentvolume/pvc-f0b2655f-b451-4087-b68c-9f2416ec999a   5Gi        RWX            Delete           Bound    ghost/blog-content                        sc-file-rwx             2m4s

B. Access the application

It can take up to 1 minute for the POD to be in a running state.

The Ghost service is configured with a LoadBalancer type, which means you need to find the external IP for your application so that you can connect to it via a web browser in your lab:

[root@rhel3 ghost]# kubectl get svc -n ghost
NAME   TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)        AGE
blog   LoadBalancer   80:30080/TCP   2m59s

Grab the external IP from the output and check to see if you can browse to your new ghost application with persistent NFS storage.

C. Explore the application container

Let's see if the /var/lib/ghost/content folder is indeed mounted to the NFS PVC that was created.
You need to customize the following commands with the POD name (blog-XXXXXXXXXXX-XXXX) you have in your environment.

[root@rhel3 ghost]# kubectl exec -n ghost blog-6bf7df48bb-b7d6r -- df /var/lib/ghost/content
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
                       5242880       704   5242176   0% /var/lib/ghost/content

List out the files found in the ghost/content directory within the PV (don't forget to use your specific blog-XXXXXXXX-XXXX details found in the earlier CLI output):

[root@rhel3 ghost]# kubectl exec -n ghost blog-6bf7df48bb-b7d6r -- ls /var/lib/ghost/content

It is recommended that you also monitor your environment from the pre-created dashboard in Grafana: ( If you carried out the tasks in the verifying your environment task, then you should already have your Grafana username and password which is admin:prom-operator.

D. Confirm data persistence

Access the Ghost admin portal using the LoadBalancer address on

[root@rhel3 ghost]# kubectl get svc -n ghost
NAME   TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)        AGE
blog   LoadBalancer   80:30080/TCP   2m59s

Note: The portal will automatically forward you to

Complete the Ghost setup using following steps:

  1. Select 'Create your account'
  2. Give your Blog site a title
  3. Enter your name
  4. Give it an email address in correct format, for example
  5. Enter a password that you will remember
  6. Finally, press on 'Last step: Invite your team' to proceed

Optionally select to save the password in Chrome.

Instead of inviting any team members select 'I'll do this later, take me to my blog!'

Select 'New story' from the main Stories page:

Give your blog post a title and add some content. Select Publish (from the top right hand corner),followed by Publish in the 'Ready to publish your post' pop-up window.

Go back to the main Stories page (link in the top left corner) to confirm the presence of your blog post:

Note: Due to DNS limitations selecting 'View Post' will not work in this lab environment, but you can go to the main home page at to see your post is now live.

Next let's confirm which worker node your pod is running on. In a separate PuTTY window, you want to position them so that you can see the output on both windows at the same time, issue the following watch command:

watch -n1 kubectl get pod -l app=blog -n ghost -o wide

Every 1.0s: kubectl get pod -l app=blog -n ghost -o wide                                             Tue Aug 18 11:01:50 2020

blog-6bf7df48bb-b7d6r   1/1     Running   0          8m56s   rhel4   <none>           <none>

If we had multiple pods in the namespace using the selector (-l, --selector='': Selector (label query)) would be crucial to to filter the desired output.

Now that we know that our pod is running on node rhel4 (in this example) we can drain the node in preparation for maintenance which will also restart the pod on another node but first let's verify the status of our nodes:

[root@rhel3 ghost]# kubectl get no
rhel1   Ready    <none>   336d    v1.18.0
rhel2   Ready    <none>   336d    v1.18.0
rhel3   Ready    master   336d    v1.18.0
rhel4   Ready    <none>   3d21h   v1.18.0

Next we can drain our node.

Make sure to drain the node that is running your particular instance of the ghost blog, as it may be different to this example.

[root@rhel3 ghost]# kubectl drain rhel4 --ignore-daemonsets
node/rhel4 cordoned
WARNING: ignoring DaemonSet-managed Pods: kube-system/kube-proxy-q8226, kube-system/weave-net-fgt2v, metallb-system/speaker-n96jl, monitoring/prom-operator-prometheus-node-exporter-lq4wv, trident/trident-csi-zmg7q
evicting pod ghost/blog-6bf7df48bb-b7d6r
pod/blog-6bf7df48bb-b7d6r evicted
node/rhel4 evicted

Note: You might have to use --delete-local-data to override Pods with local storage.

From above console output We can confirm that both the our pod and node have been evicted. In our "watch" window again we can confirm that we have a new pod (with a new random string pod name), notice how the age has been reset, and that the new pod has been scheduled to run on on a different host:

Every 1.0s: kubectl get pod -l app=blog -n ghost -o wide                                             Tue Aug 18 11:01:50 2020

blog-6bf7df48bb-b7d6r   1/1     Terminating   0          8m56s   rhel4   <none>           <none>
blog-6bf7df48bb-fflsl   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          52s   <none>   rhel1   <none>           <none>
blog-6bf7df48bb-fflsl   1/1     Running             0          53s   rhel1   <none>           <none>

Note: Press Ctrl-C to escape the watch window.

Finally refresh your browser window and actually access your blog post to confirm it still exists:

Confirm that status of our nodes:

[root@rhel3 ghost]# kubectl get no
NAME    STATUS                     ROLES    AGE     VERSION
rhel1   Ready                      <none>   344d    v1.18.0
rhel2   Ready                      <none>   344d    v1.18.0
rhel3   Ready                      master   344d    v1.18.0
rhel4   Ready,SchedulingDisabled   <none>   4d18h   v1.18.0

To mark our node that was drained as schedulable again we need to uncordon it and verify that it's in a ready status. Again, make sure to select the particular node that you drained as it may be different from this example:

[root@rhel3 ghost]# kubectl uncordon rhel4
node/rhel4 uncordoned

[root@rhel3 ghost]# kubectl get no
rhel1   Ready    <none>   336d    v1.18.0
rhel2   Ready    <none>   336d    v1.18.0
rhel3   Ready    master   336d    v1.18.0
rhel4   Ready    <none>   3d21h   v1.18.0

E. Cleanup (optional)

To clean-up this task, instead of deleting each object one by one, you can directly delete the namespace which will then remove all of its associated objects.

[root@rhel3 ghost]# kubectl delete ns ghost
namespace "ghost" deleted

F. What's next

Hopefully you are getting more familiar with Trident and persistent storage in k8s now. You can move on to:

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