Bootstrap Portfolio
-Linked necessary bootstrap link tags and js script tags -Created the Navbar and added javascript tags within the header so that the dropdown menu would work when screen size is smaller. -Excluded the contacts link within the navbar and instead put it in the footer. -Made the footer sticky so it will always be on the bottom of the page. -Chnaged various color elements to create a comfortable and consistent contrast on the website. -Added Linkedin and Github buttons in footer to open in new tab -Added resume modal and Linkedin profile card
HOME: -Added jumbotron tech photo. -Adjusted margin within bootstraps rules. -Adjusted bottom padding using style attribute and understanding that 1rem = 16px so that at the very smallest screen size it would not clip behind footer.
PORTFOLIO: -Added column configurations to make the page more responsive and keep images large and in order. -Added a style attribute to make more room at the bottom of the page so the images wouldn't clip behind the footer. -Also adjusted top padding so there was a nice even separation all around. -Added previously completed applications and group prpject to portfolio and clicking them opens them in a new tab
CONTACT: -Fairly simple page that adjusts nicely with the changing of screen sizes. -Actual "Send Message" button does not work if contact page is filled out - 404 error.