- The Entangle repo is located at https://gitlab.com/entangle/entangle/
open -a Xquartz
socat TCP-LISTEN:6000,bind=$(ifconfig -a|tail +9|grep 'inet '|cut -d ' ' -f 2|head -1),reuseaddr,fork UNIX-CLIENT:\"$DISPLAY\"
echo $(ifconfig -a|tail +9|grep 'inet '|cut -d ' ' -f 2|head -1) > /private/var/tmp/hostip
echo $HOME>/private/var/tmp/homedir
- Settings > Ports: add USB2 or USB3 driver and add the filter for your connected camera.
- Setting > Shared Folders: add Folder Path
with Mount Point/tmp2
and Folder Path/Users
with mount point/Users
- Start the boot2docker VM
docker pull kd6kxr/entangle
docker run -it -e DISPLAY=$(cat /tmp2/hostip):0 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v $(cat /tmp2/homedir):/hi -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb --privileged kd6kxr/entangle
when finished
If you'd like to download the above
docker run
command to your boot2docker VM, issue the following commands:curl https://tinyurl.com/entangleme -L > cmnd && chmod +x cmnd
Then run the image with./cmnd
The latest release of the boot2docker ISO can be found here: https://github.com/boot2docker/boot2docker/releases
Entangle: Tethered Camera Control & Capture
Entangle is an application which uses GTK and libgphoto2 to provide a
graphical interface for tethered photography with digital cameras.
It includes control over camera shooting and configuration settings
and 'hands off' shooting directly from the controlling computer.
The Entangle package uses the Meson build system available from:
As a quick start you can do
meson build-dir
ninja -C build-dir all
sudo ninja -C build-dir install
Or to install into a private user specific location
meson build-dir --prefix=$HOME/entangle
ninja -C build-dir all
ninja -C build-dir install
NB, if not installing in the default prefix "/usr", GTK will
probably have trouble finding the gsettings files and the GI
typelib files needed by the plugins. To fix this set some
environment variables
- XDG_DATA_DIRS variable to point to the data directory,
which is usually "$prefix/share" where $prefix is the
arg given to meson. eg
- GI_TYPELIB_PATH variable to point to the gobject introspection
typelib repository which is usually "$prefix/lib/girepository-1.0"
Some distros will need "lib64" instead of "lib".
OS distro packagers should use the --disable-schemas-compile arg
to configure to skip the compilation stage for schema files if
installing to the /usr prefix
Building entangle requires the following external packages to
be present
meson >= 0.41.0
glib2 >= 2.26.0
gdk-pixbf >= 2.12.0
gtk3 >= 3.22.0
libgphoto2 >= 2.4.11
gudev >= 145
gobject-introspection >= 1.54.0
lcms2 >= 2.0
libpeas >= 0.5.5
gexiv2 >= 0.2.2
LibRaw >= 0.9.0
To communicate with the development team, or to post patches
there is a technical mailing list:
Bugs found when using an OS distribution's binary packages should
be reported to the OS vendors' own bug tracker first. Otherwise
they can be reported to
The latest entangle code can be found in GIT at:
For further information visit
Translators please see po/README.I18N for more guidance.
UI shortcuts
There are a number of shortcuts available for common operations
- 's' - Trigger the shutter, to shoot a picture
- 'p' - Toggle 'live view' preview mode
- 'esc' - Cancel the current operation
- 'm' - Toggle aspect ratio image mask
- 'h' - Toggle linear / logarithmic histogram
- 'a' - Drive autofocus during preview
- ',' or '.' - Drive manual focus during preview (fine control)
- '<' or '>' - Drive manual focus during preview (coarse control)
Entangle is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL v3+, except
for the Logo which is under the Creative Commons 1.0 Public
Domain Dedication.
Please see the COPYING file for the complete GPLv3+ license
terms, or visit <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-- End