A machine-learning network based on self-constructing graphs of neurons during the supervised learning process. The interconnected neurons implement algebrahic-functions for evaluating the weights and firing functions.
(Rapid/J = Rapid Algebrahic self-Programming with Incremental Deductions / implemented in Java)
- network/graph is built-up during learning
- needs only mimimum of learning-data
- network/graph is self optimizing
- neuronal-network function is transparent; GraphML export
- (neurons are working independently (the final goal) )
- (data/information is passing "as waves" through the network/graph)
Attention: work in progress - project is in an early stage.
- Clone the whole repository
- Open the Project in NetBeans
- Run SkalarTestSuite.java in test/rapid/net/skalar
- open test/rapid/net/Numbers123Test.java
- follow the instructions inside the source-file