This is an OCR of the declassified SR-71 Blackbird Flight Manual.
For the original source see
- Spellcheck
- Cross-check the OCR against the original (again)
- Create cross-references for plain-text (mainly figures and other sections)
- Tag unit-differences (°C vs. °F, lb vs. kg, ...)
- Tag acronyms and abbreviations
- Use consistent spacing for units/values and symbols
- Turn Warnings/Cautions/Notes into actual markup
- Move figures closer to their usage (or at least the most appropriate sub/section)
- Section I
- Section IA
- Section II
- Section III
- Section IV
- Section V
- Section VI
- Section VII
- Appendix
- Split the large files into section
- Split the large files into multiple files
- Vectorize, redraw or at least touch-up images
- Rotate (or tag) large landscape images
- Complete the manual:
- Lost/missing: 1-28A, 1-28B (Instrument Panel with SB?)
- Lost/missing: 1-174, 1-175 (TACAN Operation, Windshield, Canopies)
- Classified: 4-150 through 4-160 (ASARS-1)
- Lost/missing: A6-60, A6-62, A6-64 (Figures A6-16, A6-18 and A6-20)
- OCR the other manuals:
- Functional Check Flight Procedures SR-71-6CF-1
- The YF-12A Utility Flight Manual YF-12A-1
- Others if available/declassified (A-12, M-21/D-21)
- maybe more