Clippy is a simple web app to store notes and ToDo-lists. This project uses PHP, Javascript, HTML, CSS and AJAX requests.
- App with secure login and sign up options.
- Users can create to-do lists and check out items they have completed, and uncheck them too.
- Feature to create notes with a title,description and images for each note.
- Feature to record time of creation and last edit time of the notes and lists.
- Sorting features based on time, level of importance, yet to do tasks of the note and lists.
- Users can add labels and view based on labels.
- Feature to allow multiple collaborators for a list, users can add other users, delete them as per their wish.
Framework used : PHP on Apache
Database : MySQL
Server : Apache
Connections to database
- Enter your username and password of mySQL database in connect.php
define ('DB_USER','Your-Username');
define ('DB_PASSWORD','Your-Password');
replace the string "Your-Username" and "Your-Password" with your own username and password of mySQL database.
Photo Uploading Directory
- Create a folder "uploads" in folder Clippy to upload pictures and photos in notes.
- All the pictures uploaded will be uploaded in the uploads folders.
- Clone/download this repository.
- Copy the folder Clippy to your localhost directory.
- Start your XAMPP/WAMP or any apache distribution software.
- Start your apache server and mySQL modules.
- Open up your browser. Type http://localhost/Clippy/ as the URL.
- Click on welcome.html