N Queens puzzle implemented in C with OpenMP.
The N queens puzzle is the problem of placing N queens in a N X N chess board such that no queen can be attacked by another queen in any possible direction(vertically, horizontally and diagonally).
To compile:
gcc -o rainhas rainhas.c
gcc -o rainhas -fopenmp rainhas.c -lpthread
To run: ./rainhas numberOfQueens numberOfThreads
if numberofThreads = 0 -> sequential
Bianca Nunes Coelho - Computer engeneering student at Universidade Federal de Pelotas(UFPEL)
Alejandro Tomas Reyes Alberoni - Computer science student at Universidade Federal de Pelotas(UFPEL)
Patrick Silva da Rosa - Computer engeneering student at UNiversidade Federal de Pelotas(UFPEL)