A recipe storage and assistant application
- Product Owner: Jhia Turner
- Scrum Master: Nate Ong
- Development Team Members: Jhia Turner, Nate Ong, Taehwan Lim, Nathan Vang
- artyom.js: 1.0.6
- axios: 0.18.0
- body-parser: 1.18.3
- express: 4.16.3
- jquery: 3.3.1
- mongoose: 5.2.13
- react: 16.4.2
- react-dom: 16.4.2
- request: 2.88.0
- babel/core: 7.0.0,
- babel/preset-env: 7.0.0,
- babel/preset-react: 7.0.0,
- babel-loader: 8.0.2,
- chai: 4.1.2,
- mocha: 5.2.0,
- webpack: 4.17.2,
- webpack-cli: 3.1.0,
- webpack-dev-server: 3.1.7
- Installation Install all dependencies within package.json using the command:
npm install
- Setup Local Host Run the following scripts to setup environment:
npm run react-dev
npm run server-dev
- Setup Database ../database/sampleData.js
- Ensure sample data is refactored to everyone's Google's OAuth Name
ex. Taehwan Lim, Nathan Vang
- After refactoring sampleData to be usable by you and/or your group, run the following script to create sample data:
npm run sampleData
This will fill your database with sample data formatted in the way that is used across the client, server, and database CAREFUL: running the sample data script more than once will result in duplicate recipes
React Components State Management
- Index.jsx
- App.jsx
- AddRecipe.jsx
- Selection.jsx
- SignIn.jsx
- Recipe.jsx
- EditDeleteRecipe.jsx
- Steps.jsx
- KitchenAssistant.jsx
- ArtyomCommands.js
- KitchenAssistant.jsx
- App.jsx
React Components General Info
- AddRecipe.jsx Add new recipes to database
- App.jsx Main component
- EditDeleteRecipe.jsx: Edit and Delete recipes in database
- KitchenAssistant.jsx: Initialize for Artyom voice commands
- Recipe.jsx: Overview of selected recipe
- Selection.jsx: List of all recipes for user
- SignIn.jsx OAuth for Google SignIn
- Steps.jsx Steps for selected recipe
- ArtyomCommands.js Voice commands for Artyom
Everything related to the server can be found within the index.js file of the server directory. For this app we have chosen to proceed with the Express framework for Node.js.
Along with express, we implemented bodyParser as a middleware to help with receiving data from the client side.
Within the server file, you will notice that we utilize 4 requests to different endpoints:
app.post('/recipes', ...)
app.post('/recipe', ...)
app.put('/edit', ...)
app.delete('/delete', ...)
This request is executed in order to retrieve the recipes using the data being sent with the request as a means to query through the database - in our case it was the username being sent from the client side
It is only accessed through the App component
This request is executed when a new recipe has been submitted from the client side within the AddRecipe component
This request is executed when a current recipe has been edited from the client side within the EditDeleteRecipe component
This request is executed when a current recipe has been deleted from the client side within the EditDeleteRecipe component
The database being used is MongoDB with Mongoose providing the ODM environment. Initially the database will connect to a valid cloud database, otherwise it will connect to the local database.
The schema for each recipe is really simple, as it takes the following as strings:
- username
- name
- prepTime
- cookTime
- servings And the following are arrays:
- ingredients
- steps
What is exported out of this file is only the model. All querying is done server side!
- Friends feature -Request and remove friends -Share Recipes amongst friends -Chat functionality
- Hands-Free feature -Incorporate Voice Commands for entire application
- Inventory management of ingredients remaining in pantry -Inform user if recipe is able to be made -Inform user when stock of ingredient is low
- Make the app mobile-friendly
- Progressive Web App
- React Native
- Add gesture recognition for steps
- Add picture saving functionality to each recipe
- Dietary Information
- Recipes includes calories, protein, sodium, etc...
View the project roadmap here and [here] (https://drive.google.com/file/d/14bqOGESN1answPR3PCp6_TXR-Bo6dwyK/view?usp=sharing)
See CONTRIBUTING.md for contribution guidelines.