This java project is an assignment for the Java Avancé course at University Paris-Dauphine. It implements the InfinityLoop game with multiple functionalities (intelligent solver, GUI, visualizing solver working, etc.) The puzzle game shows a grid of tiles that can be connected to each others by a simple rotation. The aim is to find a correct orientation for each piece to connect them all.
- Generating random levels with customizable dimensions and connex composants
- Checking if the level is impossible to solve or not
- Solving levels with multiple threads
- Displaying GUI and playing the game
- Showing solver searching for a solution
- Multiple solvers implemented
This project is based on JavaFX and works with Java 8 or a more recent version. It can be compiled with Maven. You can compile and generate a jar of the whole project with the following commands :
mvn package
java -jar target/phineloops-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar
- To generate a level and save it in a specified
with sizeh
connex composants:
java -jar projet.jar --generate hxw--output file[ --nbcc c]
- To check a level stored in the specified
java -jar projet.jar --check file
- To solve a level using
threads stored in the specifiedfile
and save it infilesolved
java -jar projet.jar --solve file--output filesolved [ --threads t]
- To a level display a level stored in the specified
and play (dimensions must be <= 32x32, otherwise it is unreadable):
java -jar projet.jar --G file
- To show an exhaustive solver solving a level stored in the specified
java -jar projet.jar --GS file
This project needs the following dependencies (or later versions) :
- JUnit 4.0
- commons-cli 1.4
- org.openjfx 13
- org.choco-solver 4.10.2
See pom.xml
Tests needs JUnit 4.0 to be run.
- Maven - Dependency Management
- Karim Amrouche - karimamrouche
- Bilal Khaldi - BilalKHA95
- Yves Tran - vesran