This web application follows the example of Duolingo language-learning website and its success in bringing people opportunity to easily learn language with practical examples:
- User can create an account to track his progress
- Learning material is organized into lessons with specific topics
- Every lesson is a set of exercises, each of them provides student with new information or test his knowledge
- Lessons are organized in tree hierarchy - user can start from basic topics and progress to more advanced ones
The base language is English.
Technologies used:
- Django 1.8
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
The project core is structured into several Django apps:
- words - maintains all the words used by the site, handles access to translation API and caches words in database
- translations - holds all the texts (words, sentences, grammar structures examples) which are translated by user
- lessons
- exercises - contains models for all the exercises types and API to prepare and check them
- learn - controls the process of learning by presenting lessons and taking user through the lesson flow