Graphics library for SSD1606 EPD driver for Arduino
Library for Eink (EPD) based on SSD1606 driver controller. Resolution: 172x72; Actual resolution: 172x18;
As Y ordinate have organisation in bytes, then 18 = 72/4; 4 - mean 4 pixels per byte (2 bits per pixel);
At current moment no framebuffer avaliable! That mean what draw graphics primitives are almost imposible...
Arduino's .print(...) fully supported! Deep sleep mode also avaliable!
EPD connection: SPI; Lines: MOSI, SCK, CS, D/C, RES, BSY, VCC, GND.
To see how does it work check this link
- As MCU can be used:
- Any capable board with Arduino IDE: Uno, Mega, nano, STM32, e.t.c.
- This project is still unstable and in develop!
- Any changes are possible at any time,
- and no backward capability is guaranteed!