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Sajad Khosravani edited this page May 24, 2021 · 1 revision

Factory Classes

There are a number of factory classes to help create & parse objects.

An example of a globally set dependency is the Network; if not explicitly provided in a function call, the globally set default will be used.


Bitcoin::getMath() - Returns a Math instance

Bitcoin::getGenerator() - Returns a GeneratorPoint instance

Bitcoin::getEcAdapter() - Returns an EcAdapterInterface instance

Bitcoin::getNetwork() - Returns the default, or explicitly set NetworkInterface

Bitcoin::setNetwork(NetworkInterface $network) - Sets $network as the default network


BlockFactory::fromHex($data) - Attempts to parse a block from a hex string or Buffer.


BlockHeaderFactory::fromHex() - Parse a header from a hex string or Buffer


Private key factory is an instance, which wraps an EcAdapterInterface (optional constructor arg)

PrivateKeyFactory::fromHexCompressed($hexString) - Parses PrivateKeyInterface from hex string PrivateKeyFactory::fromHexUncompressed($hexString) - Parses PrivateKeyInterface from hex string PrivateKeyFactory::fromBufferCompressed($data) - Parses PrivateKeyInterface from a Buffer PrivateKeyFactory::fromBufferUncompressed($data) - Parses PrivateKeyInterface from a Buffer PrivateKeyFactory::generateCompressed(new Random()) - Generates a new compressed private key using the RNG PrivateKeyFactory::generateUncompressed(new Random()) - Generates a new uncompressed private key using the RNG
PrivateKeyFactory::fromWif($wif) - Parses a base58 encoded private key.


Public key factory is an instance, which wraps an EcAdapterInterface (optional constructor arg)

PublicKeyFactory::fromHex($data) - Parses PublicKeyInterface from hex string or Buffer


HierarchicalKeyFactory is an instance. It can be initialized with a special Base58ExtendedKeySerializer with knowledge about SLIP132 prefixes to work with zpubs/etc

HierarchicalKeyFactory::fromExtended($extendedKey) - Parses a HierarchicalKey from a base58 encoded string. Takes an optional second parameter, the Network object containing bip32 network prefixes. Set this explicitly, or override the default with Bitcoin::setNetwork()

HierarchicalKeyFactory::generateMasterKey($random) - Creates a new master HierarchicalKey. Takes an optional second parameter, the ScriptDataFactory responsible for producing addresses

HierarchicalKeyFactory::fromEntropy(Buffer $entropy) - Creates a master HierarchicalKey from provided entropy. Takes an optional second parameter, the ScriptDataFactory responsible for producing addresses

HierarchicalKeyFactory::multisig($scriptDataFactory, ...$extendedKeys) - Creates a multisignature HD account from the HD keys


ScriptFactory::fromHex($data) - Parses ScriptInterface from hex string or Buffer

ScriptFactory::create([$startScript]) - Returns a ScriptCreator instance, used to generate scripts.

ScriptFactory::sequence($sequenceArray) - Generates a script given an array consisting of opcodes and Buffers.

ScriptFactory::scriptPubKey() - Returns an OutputScriptFactory instance, used to safely generate output scripts.

ScriptFactory::p2sh() - Returns an P2shScriptFactory - an OutputScriptFactory augmented to return P2shScript instances.

ScriptFactory::consensus([$flags]) - Returns a ConsensusInterface used to validate bitcoin scripts.

\BitWasp\Bitcoin\Script\Factory\ScriptCreator instance:

This class is used for raw script generation. It's methods mutate the script, which is obtained by calling getScript() when complete.

ScriptCreator::sequence() - Adds a list of opcodes and Buffer pushes into the script.

ScriptCreator::op($opName) - Adds opcode $opName to the script

ScriptCreator::int() - Adds an integer value-push into the script

ScriptCreator::push(Buffer $buffer) - Adds a value-push of $buffer into the script

ScriptCreator::concat(ScriptInterface $script) - Concatenates another ScriptInterface to $this

ScriptCreator::pushSerializable(SerializableInterface $serializable) - Adds a value-push of a serializable object into the script

ScriptCreator::pushSerializableArray($serializableArr) - Adds a vector of serialiable objects

ScriptCreator::getScript() - Returns a ScriptInterface of the composed script

\BitWasp\Bitcoin\Script\Factory\OutputScriptFactory instance:

This class is intended contains methods to safely generate commonly used output scripts.

OutputScriptFactory::payToPubKey(PublicKeyInterface $publicKey) - Returns pay-to-pubkey output script for $publicKey.

OutputScriptFactory::payToPubKeyHash(PublicKeyInterface $publicKey) - Returns pay-to-pubkey-hash script for $publicKey

OutputScriptFactory::payToScriptHash(ScriptInterface $p2shScript) - Returns a pay-to-script-hash script for $p2shScript

\BitWasp\Bitcoin\Script\Factory\P2shScriptFactory instance:

Returns a P2shScript instance, for the payToPubKey, payToPubKeyHash, and multisig cases.


SignatureFactory::fromHex($data) - Parses a SignatureInterface from a DER signature


TransactionSignatureFactory::fromHex() - Parses a TransactionSignatureInterface given a hex string or Buffer. This is the form with the SigHash byte appended.


TransactionFactory::build() - Returns a TxBuilder instance

TransactionFactory::mutate(TransactionInterface $tx) - Returns a TxMutator instance, used to mutate transactions.

TransactionFactory::sign(TransactionInterface $tx) - Returns a Signer instance, used to sign transactions.