The BivGEV
package allows the estimation of the following models:
- Bivariate Generalised Extreme Value models
- Bivariate Generalised Extreme Value models in the presence of sample selection
The package allows the estimation of bivariate models using differents Copula functions, including Gaussian, Clayton, Gumbel, Joe, and Frank
You can install the released version of BivGEV from GitHub with:
Load the libraries
Data Generating Process
set.theta <- BiCopTau2Par(14, 0.5, check.taus = TRUE)
n <- 10000 # Sample size
family <- 14 # Survival Gumbel copula
theta <- set.theta # Copula parameter
U <- BiCopSim(n, family, theta)
ER <- cbind(qgev(1-U[,1], shape=-0.3),qgev(1-U[,2],shape=-0.3))
x <- rnorm(n, 1.2, 0.25)
par.eq1 <- c(-1.7, 0.4)
par.eq2 <- c(-2.2, 0.8)
eta1 <- par.eq1[1] + par.eq1[2]*x
eta2 <- par.eq2[1] + par.eq2[2]*x
y1 <- ifelse(eta1 - ER[, 1] > 0, 1,0)
y2 <- ifelse(eta2 - ER[, 2] > 0, 1,0)
dataSim <- data.frame(y1,y2,x)
Setting the tau parameter
tau1 <- -0.30 # setting tau parameter for eq. 1
tau2 <- -0.30 # setting tau parameter for eq. 2
Model's estimation with a Survival Gumbel copula
eq1 <- y1 ~ x
eq2 <- y2 ~ x
out1 <- BivGEV(list(eq1,eq2), data = dataSim, BivD = "G0",
Model = "BivGEV", tau.eq1 = tau1, tau.eq2 = tau2)
Data Generating Process
set.theta <- BiCopTau2Par(14, 0.5, check.taus = TRUE)
n <- 50000 # Sample size
family <- 14 # Survival Gumbel copula
theta <- set.theta # Copula parameter
U <- BiCopSim(n, family, theta)
ER <- cbind(qgev(1-U[,1], shape=-0.30),qgev(1-U[,2],shape=-0.35))
sigma <- matrix(0.5,3, 3)
diag(sigma) <- 1
covariance <- rmvn(n, rep(0,3), sigma)
covariance <- pnorm(covariance)
x1 <- covariance[,1]
x2 <- covariance[,2]
x3 <- covariance[,3]
eta1 <- -1.2 + 1.7*x1 - 0.9*x2 + 1.3*x3
eta2 <- -1.7 + 1.3*x1 - 0.1*x2
ysel <- ifelse(eta1 - ER[, 1] > 0,1,0)
y <- ifelse(eta2 - ER[, 2] > 0,1,0)
yobs <- y*(ysel > 0)
dataSim <- data.frame(ysel,yobs,x1,x2,x3)
Setting the tau parameter
tau1 <- -0.30
tau2 <- -0.35
Model's estimation with a Survival Gumbel copula
eq1 <- ysel ~ x1 + x2 + x3
eq2 <- yobs ~ x1 + x2
out2 <- BivGEV(list(eq1,eq2), data = dataSim, BivD = "G0",
Model = "SampleSelGEV", tau.eq1 = tau1, tau.eq2 = tau2)