KerberoShutdown is an Active Directory Recon tool that enumerates misconfigurations in the AD environment to identify possible attack vectors.
All you need to have is a machine joined on the Domain.
The aim of developing this tool is to help me learn more about Active Directory Security(ADS).
[*] it is currently under development, if you find bugs let me know.
- Finding all group members (also within Nested groups)
- Finding Unquoted Service paths
- Finding Writable Files
- Finding all UAC flags of a specific user
- Finding AS-REP Roastable accounts
- Finding possible DCSync accounts
- Finding Unconstrained Delegation accounts
- Finding Constrained Delegation accounts
- Finding Resource Based Constrained Delegation accounts
- Create Hidden Domain Admin account on Domain Controller (for Persistence purpose)
- Scan for sAMAccountName spoofing
PS C:\> .\KerberoShutdown.exe --help
_ __ _ _____ _ _ _
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|_|\_\___|_| |_.__/ \___|_| \___/_____/|_| |_|\__,_|\__\__,_|\___/ \_/\_/ |_| |_|
v1.1 Powered by Bl4ckM1rror
--GetWritableFiles Enumerate all writable files on the target host
--FindUnquotedsvc Enumerate all unquoted services on the target host
--GetAllMembers Enumerate all users (also within nested groups)
--GetUACFlags Enumerate all UAC flags of a specific user
--GetASREPRoastable Enumerate all AS-REP Roastable users
--DCSync Enumerate all possible DCSync accounts
--UnconstrainDeleg Enumerate all Unconstrained Delegation accounts
--ConstrainDeleg Enumerate all Constrained Delegation accounts
--RBCD Enumerate all Resource-based Constrained Delegation accounts
--HiddenDA Create Hidden Domain Admin account on Domain Controller
.\KerberoShutdown.exe --FindUnquotedsvc
.\KerberoShutdown.exe --GetWritableFiles --root C:\ --fileFormat *.dll
.\KerberoShutdown.exe --GetAllMembers --groupName <group_name> --domainName <domain_name>
.\KerberoShutdown.exe --GetUACFlags --user <user_name>
.\KerberoShutdown.exe --GetASREPRoastable
.\KerberoShutdown.exe --DCSync
.\KerberoShutdown.exe --UnconstrainDeleg
.\KerberoShutdown.exe --ConstrainDeleg
.\KerberoShutdown.exe --RBCD --domainName <domain_name>
.\KerberoShutdown.exe --HiddenDA --da <fake_domain_admin> --password <password_value>
1. Added search for Unconstrained Delegation accounts
2. Added search for Constrained Delegation accounts
3. Added search for all UAC flags of a specific user
4. Added search for Resource-based Constrained Delegation accounts
5. Added feature for create hidden Domain Account
6. Fixed generic bugs
1. Added search for AS-REP Roastable accounts
2. Added search for Nested groups
3. Added search for Unquoted Service paths
4. Added search for Writable Files
5. Added search for possible DCSync accounts