My Codecademy Projects
These projects are the projects I completed as I learned C# and progressed through the Learn C# course on Codecademy. From beginner to intermediate C#, these coding projects were always fun to do as I got to put my newly learned code into practice for the first time in each project. I had a lot of fun with these :)
The order of my projects from first to last during my Codecademy course:
Console Creatures (Hello World) Mad Libs (Data Types and Variable) Money Maker (Data Types and Variable) Password Checker (Logic and Conditionals) Choose Your Own Adventure (Logic and Conditionals) Architect Arithmetic (Methods) Exquisite Corpse (Methods) Caesar Ciper (Arrays and Loops) True or False (Arrays and Loops) The Object of Your Affection (Classes and Objects) App Interfaces (Interfaces and Inheritance) Supernatural Inheritance (Interfaces and Inheritance) Rover Control Center (References) Programming Languages (Lists and LINQ)
I hope to use these projects as example code for my knowledge of C# until I get some of my Unity Projects of the ground.
Thanks for reading the README :)