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CSS-Inject is a small utility script for handling dynamic injection of CSS styling onto an HTML document. The use case for this utility is to manage the application of styles that would normally be injected inline using jQuery onto many elements. In situations where there's a need to apply dynamic styles at page load to many page elements at once, the most efficient way to achieve this is to just apply a single CSS stylesheet to the document head as opposed to iterating through each page element and assigning inline styles.

CSS-Inject can track and handle subsequent changes to the generated stylesheet. CSS-Inject only accesses the DOM once to create a stylesheet element, from which it then hooks into the browser's CSSStylesheet Object to directly create and manage dynamically created CSS styles. This then allows multiple elements on a page to be styled efficiently without any inline-styles having to be injected into the DOM a la jQuery. This result is a much more efficient approach to dynamic styling that avoids excessive DOM manipulation.

As of v1.1, CSS-Inject also handles inline styles. In most use cases where only a small number of elements and styles need to be changed, applying inline styling is faster and easier to manage. However, if more than three styles are being applied to more than 5 elements at a time, then utilising the generated stylesheet becomes more performant.


CSS-Inject's performance scales far better than jQuery when it comes to styling multiple elements on a page, and styling inline is quicker with CSS-Inject than with jQuery. The styling is done closer to native javascript and without as much need to compensate for legacy browsers, allowing for much slimmer code. CSS-Inject does abstract some browser dependent quirks with styling, support is only given towards Internet Explorer 8 at the minimum. This allows for more performant code without needing to bloat the code to account for legacy javascript implementations.

However, performant styling requires managing just how often styles are applied and how many styles are being dynamically generated. Consider just how many styles/elements need to be changed and the frequency of changes before using CSS-Inject. For example, it is quicker to apply a single CSS add operation with an object of styles than to chain multiple single add operations when first creating a new CSS rule.

Quick Example

cssInject.add("#content", "height", "200px"); // Add a CSS rule for a selector, property and value
cssInject.add("#content > p", "font-weight", "bold"); // Standard CSS selectors all will work.

Chaining Example

// Adding two styles to the same selectors maps the properties to a single selector in the queue.
// This then gets injected out as a single #content {} style rule containing both properties.
cssInject.add("#content", "height", "200px").add("#content", "width", "300px"); 

Overwrite Styles Example

cssInject.add("#content", "height", "200px"); // Add a CSS rule and apply it

// Updates the same declared rule as above, but with a new value for the height and
// applies it to the generated stylesheet.
cssInject.add("#content", "height", "300px");

Remove Styles Example

// Add example styles
cssInject.add("#content > p", "font-weight", "bold");
cssInject.add("#content", "width", "300px");
cssInject.add("#content", "height", "200px");

// Individual properties or entire selector rules can be removed out of the queue
// Upon applying the changes, the specified rules and properties are expunged from
// the generated stylesheet.
cssInject.remove("#content > p", "font-weight").remove("#content");

Object import

// You can declare an object containing corresponding selectors and assigned properties. 
// These automatically get tracked according to existing queued selectors if there are any matches. 
// In a valid object to pass to cssInject, the top level key corresponds to the selector,
// and the second level keys correspond to the css properties.
var rules = {
	"#content": {
}, selector = "#aside";
// Selectors can be dynamically defined and attached to an object.
rules[selector] = {
cssInject.objectAdd(rules); // Inject the resulting CSS to the page

Inline Styles

var element = document.getElementById("content"),
	elements = document.getElementsByClassName("stuff");
cssInject.addInline(element, "width", "300px"); // Only sets to a single element
cssInject.addObjectInline(elements, {"height":"200px"}); Adds to lots of elements


Just include the script and away you go. The minified file is 2.72kB large, so it has a tiny footprint on your site. As of v1.1, it no longer requires ES5 javascript nor requires the use of es5-shim.js as a dependency. As such, modern Browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer 8+ all function correctly without need of dependencies.

<script type="text/javascript" src="css-inject.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

	cssInject.init().add("body", "font-size", "14px");



Object Model

cssInject follows a particular format when mapping CSS styles to an object. In order to simplify how selectors and properties are mapped and handled, both selectors and properties form the keys of an object. So a given selector is the key to an object, which contains properties that are keys to values. The expected format for a cssInject style object is then as follows:

	"selector" : {
		"property" : "value"

This allows an object to mirror the logical construction of a CSS style rule, and in turn simplifies the process of traversing the object to match and add/amend styles, as well as parsing out the object into CSS. Removing styles employs a slightly different object format, as values no longer need to be tracked:

	"selector": ["property"]

When removing a property, there's no need to map values to the CSS StyleSheet object, and as such all properties that are being declared for removal are listed in an array. Passing an empty array in this format is the same as cssInject.remove("selector") in which the entire selector rule gets deleted as opposed to only removing a single property.

For inline elements, the object model for adding styles is as follows:

	"property" : "value"

Due to there not needing a selector to be attached to the object as the styles are applied directly to the element, the object is simplified to only need to the properties and their corresponding values be declared. With there being no need to have a selector, removing style properties from inline objects requires only an array containing the properties that are being removed:

["property 1", "property 2", ... ]



Returns an array of all selectors currently active in the Stylesheet Object. The array allows the cssInject object to track the index for particular style rules and selectors.

cssInject.styles // Returns a list of currently active selectors
cssInject.styles[1] // Returns the selector name at the given index

Stores the string which forms the id attribute for the generated stylesheet. Change from the default of css-inject-style if in need of a different id or to resolve a conflict.

Stores the media type for the cssInject stylesheet. Default is "screen". Can be changed to implement a media query.


Stores the main CSSStylesheet object. This object is what applies and handles the application and drawing of CSS in an HTML document.


Stores either a .cssRules object or .rules object from the main CSSStylesheet object. Used to correct for older non-standard implementations of the CSSStylesheet object.


cssInject.add(selector, property, value)

Adds the specified CSS rules to the cssInject stylesheet and updates the cssInject.styles array with the index for the active rule. If the selector is already active, the css rule gets updated with the new/modified properties. The selector, property, and value parameters must all be strings. This method can be chained.

cssInject.add("#content", "height", "200px"); // Single call input
// Chaining example
cssInject.add("#content", "width", "300px").add("#content > p", "font-weight", "bold");


Maps a given object to the cssInject stylesheet and updates the cssInject.styles array with the new indexes. Allows multiple rules to be declared in an object. Every selector and property gets mapped to the cssInject stylesheet, so either creating new style rules or updating existing ones. This method can be chained.

// Create an object to store CSS declarations
var rules = {
	"#content" : {
		"height" : "200px",
		"width": : "300px"
cssInject.objectAdd(rules); // Import object into queue

cssInject.remove(selector, property [optional])

Removes a given selector or property from the cssInject.styles object. If a property parameter is passed, it removes the specific property declaration from the selector's css styles. If only a selector is given, all the rules belonging to that selector are purged. This method can be chained.

cssInject.remove("#content", "height"); // The height property is no longer present in #content {...}


Removes all mapped selectors and properties in the passed object. If a selector has an array of properties, those specific properties get removed. If a selector is passed with an empty array, the entire selector rule gets removed. This method can be chained.

var purge = {
	"#content" : ["height","background"], // Height and Background properties will be deleted
	"#aside" : [] // The entire #aside CSS rule will be deleted

cssInject.addInline(element, property, value)

Adds an inline style to an element. Only can add one style to a single element. This method can be chained.

var el = document.getElementById("content");
cssInject.addInline(el, "width", "300px");

cssInject.addObjectInline(elements, object)

Maps an object of css properties/values to the styles of either a single element or a collection of elements. This method can be chained.

var css = {
		"font-weight" : "bold",
		"background" : "#ccc"
	elements = document.getElementsByClassName("stuff");
cssInject.addObjectInline(elements, css);

cssInject.removeInline(element, property)

Removes a single css property from the inline style of an element. Will only remove the style from a single element. This method can be chained.

var el = document.getElementById("content");
cssInject.removeInline(el, "height");

cssInject.removeArrayInline(elements, array)

Removes the properties listed in the array from an element or a collection of elements. If an empty array is provided, all the inline styles in the element(s) are removed. This method can be chained.

var arr = ["font-weight", "background"],
	elements = document.getElementsByClassName("stuff");
cssInject.removeArrayInline(elements, arr);


Initialises the cssInject stylesheet. Creates a <style> element in the document head and then maps the corresponding CSSStylesheet object. Requires no parameters and can be chained.

cssInject.addCss(index, selector, property, value)

Directly adds a CSS rule into CSSStylesheet object at the given index. Warning: if the wrong index is given, it will create a second rule for the same selector. Index must be numerical and selector, property, and value parameters must be strings.

cssInject.modifyCss(index, property, value)

Modifies a css rule at the given index. Either an existing property is modified, or a new property is added. Warning: will throw an error if the index points to an empty rule.

cssInject.removeCss(index, property[optional])

Removes a css rule from the given index. If a property is provided, the property is removed from the style. If no property is provided, then the entire selector at the given index is removed. Warning: will throw an error if the index points to an empty rule.

cssInject.index(searchElement, array)

Iterates through an array to find the matching search element and returns the array index if a match is found. Returns -1 if nothing is found. Similar to Array.prototype.indexOf but without the option of selecting a specific index to start searching from.


cssInject can be extended in much the same way jQuery can. There's a prototype shorthand, cssInject.fn that can be called to extend the functionality of the cssInject object. Chaining is achieved by adding return this to the end of any new function.

cssInject.fn.stuff = function () {
	// do Stuff
	return this;