I use GitHub for mostly projects, as bluekoekj.github.io was removed and replaced with Google Sites
I r e g u l a r l y get asked these, and they are insane, so just read them.
I like all colors
I would use it on home essentials first, and then buy things that are more expensive
Yes you can on @WavetecRR!
Yes, I post mostly on my WavetecRR channel, but I also have my other channels listed on the WavetecRR channel.
WavetecRR on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSqGAr1xWjQsl2zDPAiDPNw/
I like all of the songs on my phone and a few more that aren't. My most favourite may have to be Milli2nd's LOSER.
I use a HP 15" laptop with an Intel Iris XE GPU, some Intel Core i5 processor and 128GB of storage (though it feels like 64GB)
I can try, and I can even improve it to the point where your computer is dead basically
Well, thats all imma write right now.
Yes you can! (https://twitter.com/realwavetecrr)