Releases: BlvckBytes/RazerControl
Version 0.4
[FIX] Changed wget to curl, since curl is natively installed
[FIX] Fixed dropdown error where wave left or right would not work
[FIX] Fixed dropdown item visibility on settings load
Version 0.3
[+] Settings are now persistently saved in a file (~/Library/RazerControl/)
[Fix]: Window now preloads, so first spawn on click is not delayed anmore
Note: Now is the time to add this to login-items! Move the .app to your Applications/ folder and then add it to login items in System Preferences. This way, you'll always have easy and quick access to all your keyboard settings.
Version 0.2
Added automatic downloading for the needed "osx-razer-led" binary. This scanner will get the latest release and download it for you, if your machine is missing it. Also added a notification overlay inside the menu-bar app, which is currently only used for download notification (err, success).
Note: If the binary is missing on your machine, the first execution will take a bit longer. It'll download the binary, make it executable and only then launch the menu-bar item, please be patient... Depending on your internet speed, this will only take 2-4 seconds.
Version 0.1
This is the first release of this app in a packaged version! Hopefully it works, with all dependencies included, since I had a hard time figuring out how to forge all of this together into one neat app.
#ToDo: Create a proper app-icon, default for now.
#ToDo: Work on file sizing, why is this little project so huge?! (deps, probably...)