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Tutorial on the C++ building process and how to build using CMake


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Tutorial on the C++ building process and how to build using CMake. I believe the C++ building process has tortured many more than me, this tutorial is my attempt to solve that problem once and for all. I will first show the most basic version of compiling C++ code, then go through the compiling process, finally show how to compile projects using CMake.

Content List

  • Compiling 101
  • Libraries
  • Build & Metabuild Systems
  • Basic Installing Using CMake
  • The Basic Way to Use Installed Packages
  • CMake Installation Using Config Files
  • Using find_package() to use external libraries

Compiling 101

Let's start with the hello_world example


int main(){
    std::cout << "Hello World" << std::endl;
    return 0;

This can be compiled using

clang++ hello_world.cpp -o a.out

# or

g++ hello_world.cpp -o a.out

Here clang++ and g++ are two different compilers, hello_world.cpp specifies the name of the .cpp file that we want to compile, -o tag means we want to specify the name of the output executable, and a.out is the name of the executable that we chose. Run the command with the hello_world.cpp example in the compiling_101 file and see if it works.

Now that we see how we can compile files, let's try to understand what is going on behind the scene.

How the compiler works

compiler process visualization

When you compile the hello world example, four steps occurred

  • Pre-process: clang++ -E main.cpp > main.i
  • Compile: clang++ -S main.i
  • Assembly: clang++ -c main.s
  • Link: clang++ main.o -o main

The example files are shown in the compile_process folder.


The task of the pre-processor is to replace any line starting with # with the corresponding content. The most common one is the #include operation, which includes the corresponding header file within the .i file. We can see an example of this by creating two files

// main.cpp
#include <iostream>

int main()
  std::cout << "Hello World" << std::endl;
  return 0;


// _main.cpp

int main()
  std::cout << "Hello World" << std::endl;
  return 0;

After we run

clang++ -E main.cpp > main.i
clang++ -E _main.cpp > _main.i

We can see that _main.i only includes a few lines. On the other hand, main.i includes the lines in _main.i and in addition has all of the lines included from <iostream>.

Another example is bracket.cpp. We first create a header file bracket.h that only includes a curly bracket. Then we replace the last curly bracket with the pre-processing operation #include "bracket.h". If we then run

clang++ -E bracket.cpp > bracket.i

we can see the curly bracket is restored within bracket.i. We also used the operation

#define integer int

If we take a look at bracket.i, we can see all of the integers has been replaced with int. This shows that the job of the pre-processor is to only replace the # operations. Apart from #include and #define, we also have a few more pre-processing operations see here for a description.


The job of the compiler is to transform the pre-processed C++ code into assembly code, which is easier to understand for the machine. Take a look at main.s for the assembly version of main.cpp.


The job of the assembler is to transform the assembly code into binaries (.o object file).


The linker then links the object file and the libraries to generate the final executable.


library compile process visualization

A library is a collection of multiple object files that are logically connected. There are two types of libraries: static and dynamics.

  • Static libraries (lib*.a files) are faster, but they take a lot of memory and becomes part of the final executable.
  • Dynamic libraries (lib*.so files) are slower, but they can be copied and referenced by a program.

Usually, we would separte the declarations and implementations of a library. The declarations will usually be stored within a header file (.hpp file), while the implementations will be within a .cpp file.

In the compilation process, the header file is used in the pre-processing phase. All of the declarations will be copied into the a single .i file, and an object file will be generated. Then, the linker will map the declarations to a compiled library object that contains their implementations. Thus, to use a library, we would need two things:

  • header file library_api.hpp
  • compiled library object library_api.a

Usually a .a file would include multiple .o files. The steps to compile main.cpp is as follows:

  • compile the modules: clang++ -std=c++17 -c tools.cpp -o tools.o
  • organize the modules into a library: ar rcs libtools.a tools.o <other-modules>
  • link libraries when building the project: clang++ -std=c++17 main.cpp -L . -ltools -o main, where -L <dir> adds the directory to the library search path, and -l<library-name> is specifying the name of the library file. If lib<name>.a is the library object, then we use -l<name> for linking.

Build & Metabuild Systems

Make and Ninja are build systems, CMake is a metabuild system. CMake generates makefiles that are given to build systems to actually build the project. So the usual workflow is

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../

To see what CMake does, we can write the CMake equivalence of

clang++ -std=c++17 -c tools.cpp -o tools.o
ar rcs libtools.a tools.o
clang++ -std=c++17 main.cpp -L . -ltools -o main

which is

add_library(tools tools.cpp)
add_executable(main main.cpp)
target_link_library(main tools)

We can find a one-to-one correspondence between them. The add_library(tools tools.cpp) command corresponds to clang++ -std=c++17 -c tools.cpp -o tools.o and ar rcs libtools.a tools.o. The add_executable(main main.cpp) part corresponds to clang++ -std=c++17 main.cpp -o main. The target_link_library(main tools) part corresponds to -L . -ltools.

If you want to find an external library, you can use the find_package command. Note that the find_package command is looking for Find<package>.cmake files.

Basic Installing Using CMake

We now talk about how to install packages using CMake. All of the source code in this section is in the cmake_install folder.

Compared to the last section, in the C++ code all we changed is remove the reliance on Eigen3 in main.cpp. What it means to install a package is to store the generated binary file, the header files, and the library files to some predefined location. To do this we add the following three lines in CMakeLists.txt

install(TARGETS tools DESTINATION lib)
install(FILES include/tools.hpp DESTINATION include)
install(TARGETS main DESTINATION bin)

which is then installed using (only for CMake V3.15.0 and up, see here for older versions)

cmake --install .

We can see that the installation can be seperated into two types, installing targets and installing files. The targets are what is generated within the building process such as the library file libtools.a and the binary file main. The files are files that alread exists like the header file. The DESTINATION specifies where the installed files are stored at. The destinations are relative to a prefix directory, which can be specified when performing the installation using

cmake --install . --prefix "/Users/BolunDai0216/Documents/BuildingCPP/cmake_install/install/"

and the files will then be installed within


The Basic Way to Use Installed Packages

To use installed libraries the easiest way is to figure out where the header files and library files are located and just use them directly. The source code of this section can be found in the cmake_use_installed_package_basic folder.

First, to make our life easier we create a variable to store the location of the installation


We are using a CMake-defined variable CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR, which gives us the directory where the CMakeLists.txt files is stored. Another commonly used CMake-defined variable is CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR which gives us the directory within the build folder.

We will be using the installed files from the last section, so the CUSTOM_INSTALLATION_DIR will be the install folder from last section. Then, like before we can include the header files as


Since we already have the library files (.a files), we would not need to run add_library, we can directly link the .a file using

target_link_libraries(main ${CUSTOM_INSTALLATION_DIR}/lib/libtools.a)

A bit more advanced and general way to do this is using find_library. In this example, we can use find_library as

             NAMES libtools.a
             PATH_SUFFIXES lib/

a nice intro to find_library can be found here. Then if we compare the variable LIBTOOLS_LIBRARY and what we had before ${CUSTOM_INSTALLATION_DIR}/lib/libtools.a, we can see that they are the same. Then, we can simply change the target_link_libraries to

target_link_libraries(main ${LIBTOOLS_LIBRARY})

Similarly, for the header files we can do the same thing. We can find the path to the include folder using the find_path command

        NAMES tools.hpp
        PATH_SUFFIXES include/

and if we compare the result of LIBTOOLS_INCLUDE_DIR and ${CUSTOM_INSTALLATION_DIR}/include/ we can see that they are pointing to the same directory. Then to utilize LIBTOOLS_INCLUDE_DIR and LIBTOOLS_LIBRARY, we can first create an empty library target (I don't think empty is the official terminology), and then set the required properties. In this case, we only need to set the INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES to LIBTOOLS_INCLUDE_DIR and IMPORTED_LOCATION to LIBTOOLS_LIBRARY. We do this using the following commands

add_library(tools STATIC IMPORTED)

After this is done, we can then simply link the library using

target_link_libraries(main tools)

CMake Installation Using Config Files

A more general approach to use external packages is using <package-name>Config.cmake files. This section, we will look into how to create such a config file. All of the source code of this section can be found in the cmake_install_with_config folder.

We first build the tools library using the commands

add_library(tools src/tools.cpp) 
target_include_directories(tools INTERFACE 

The target_include_directories commands uses generator expressions to say when using the built tools library the content within the ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} directory is included, while when using the installed tools library the content within the /include directory in the installation directory is included. Next, we generate the executables as before using the commands

add_executable(main src/main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(main tools)

The next step is to install the files.

install(TARGETS tools EXPORT toolsTargets DESTINATION lib)
install(FILES include/tools.hpp DESTINATION include)

These lines installs the tools library within the lib folder within the installation directory and install the header files within the include folder within the installation directory. The installation directory is specified when installing it. When installing the tools library, it also exports a target called toolsTargets. Then, we use the following line

install(EXPORT toolsTargets FILE toolsTargets.cmake DESTINATION lib/cmake/tools)

to install a <lib-name>Targets.cmake file that contains information about the toolsTargets target. Now, we are in a good position to install the Config.cmake file. First, we include CMakePackageConfigHelpers, which provides helper functions for generating the Config.cmake file. The Config.cmake file is generated using the command

  INSTALL_DESTINATION "lib/cmake/tools"

The INSTALL_DESTINATION only needs to have the same number of subdirectories, i.e., if we want to install it in install/lib/cmake/tools we would need a three level destination as a/b/c here. By changing the INSTALL_DESTINATION to a/b/c and a/b you'll get what I mean. The file simply points to the Target.cmake file. A ConfigVersion.cmake file can be created using the command

  COMPATIBILITY AnyNewerVersion)

Then we install both the Config.cmake and ConfigVersion.cmake files. Finally, we can build and install the package using the commands

cmake .. && cmake --build .
cmake --install . --prefix "~/Documents/BuildingCPP/cmake_install_with_config/install/"

Using find_package() to use external libraries

In the last section, we showed how to create config files. This section, we will look into how to use the config files to import external libraries in your own CMake project. All of the source code of this section can be found in the cmake_use_config folder.

In the last section, we created a Config.cmake file. In this section, we will enable the find_package command to find it. Since we are installing it in a non-default location, we will need to pass on the directory to the find_package command

find_package(tools CONFIG REQUIRED PATHS ~/Documents/BuildingCPP/cmake_install_with_config/install/lib/cmake/tools)

Then, we can directly using the tools library by linking it

target_link_libraries(main tools)


Tutorial on the C++ building process and how to build using CMake







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