Basic template for reports, bachelor and master theses at the Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm. It is set up to be printed as a book including a coverpage.
You need to download, fill and save-as-pdf the official statement and copyright form, in its most recent version.
It will be included in the final thesis.pdf
- Create a branch for your thesis; this allows you to easily sync with upstream (this repository).
- Disable automatic hard line wrap (with newlines); use soft wrap instead. (What's that about?)
- Write one sentence per line -- this makes for nice diffs in git.
- For capitalization of headlines etc., follow the IEEE Style Manual
- Use UTF-8 encoding on your files to make special characters wörk.
- Keep your literature up to date -- add references to your bib file as you read them.
- Informationen und Vorlagen (German, Ohm intranet)
- Wie schreibe ich eine Abschlussarbeit by Prof. Dr. Rainer Weber (German, Ohm intranet).