- 🧑💻 I'm a service desk technician by trade
- 🔒 I learn and study different aspects of cyber security by interest
- 🌱 I'm currently learning
- 🔨 Often seen
breakingworking on:
∘ Installing a New Linux Distro
∘ Writing Code
∘ Installing Upgrades to Their PC - 🪟 I'm currently running
different opeating systems on different devices - 📷 I also take photos sometimes
- CPU: Intel i5-12600K
- GPU: AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX 24GB
- RAM: 32GB (4x8GB) Corsair Vengeance Pro RGB CL18
- Case: Cougar Darkblader
- Cooler: Deepcool AK620
- Motherboard: MSI MAG B660 TOMAHAWK
- OS: Windows 11