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BALDR is a pipeline for reconstructing human or rhesus macaque immunoglobulin(Ig)/B cell receptor(BCR) sequences from single cell RNA-Seq data generated by Illumina sequencing.

BALDR is based on the de novo assembly of RNA-Seq reads. It can only be used for single-cell plate based libraries sequenced by Illumina sequencers. It allows reconstructions using following methods:

  1. IG-mapped_Unmapped (human and rhesus) - Assemble reads mapping to Ig loci + Unmapped reads [default for human]
  2. FilterNonIG (rhesus)- Assemble reads after filtering those that match to non-Ig genes in the genome [default for rhesus]
  3. Unfiltered (human and rhesus) - Use all reads for assembling transcripts and select Ig transcript models
  4. IG-mapped_only (human and rhesus) - Assemble reads mapping to Ig loci
  5. Recombinome-mapped (human) - Assemble reads mapping to the Ig recombinome
  6. IMGT-mapped (human) - Assemble reads mapping to IMGT V(D)J and C sequences

Installation (manual)


  1. Trimmomatic 0.32
  2. Trinity v2.3.2 (Newer versions are not compatible)
  3. bowtie2 2.3.0
  4. STAR v2.5.2b
  5. samtools v1.3.1
  6. IgBLAST v1.6.1 (Newer versions are not compatible)
  7. seqtk 1.2
  8. Perl 5

Install all the pre-requisites Clone or download the BALDR package.

chmod +x BALDR

Docker image

You can pull the image from DockerHub

docker pull bosingerlab/baldr


You can use the Dockerfile to build an image.

mkdir baldr_docker
cd baldr_docker
docker build -t bosingerlab/baldr .

Running BALDR

STAR genome index

If the --STAR_index flag is not provided, BALDR will download and generate the genome index. This takes time and if a docker container is used, it may end up using a lot more space for the docker image. It is thus recommended that the STAR genome index be generated before running BALDR. A pre-built index can also be loaded into the shared memory which will significantly decrease the runtime.


mkdir -p STAR_GRCh38/STAR_GRCh38_index
cd STAR_GRCh38
gunzip *.gz
STAR --runThreadN 16 --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir STAR_GRCh38_index --genomeFastaFiles Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa --sjdbGTFfile Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.86.gtf --sjdbOverhang 100

Rhesus macaque

mkdir -p STAR_MacaM/STAR_MacaM_index
cd STAR_MacaM
bunzip2 MacaM_Rhesus_Genome_v7.fasta.bz2
STAR --runThreadN 16 --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir STAR_MacaM_index --genomeFastaFiles MacaM_Rhesus_Genome_v7.fasta --sjdbGTFfile MacaM_Rhesus_Genome_Annotation_v7.8.2.gtf --sjdbOverhang 100

Loading genome index in the shared memory

Before running BALDR, it is recommended to load the genome index in the memory

STAR --genomeDir </path/to/STAR/index/folder> --genomeLoad LoadAndExit

When BALDR has been run for all cells, run the following command to clear the genome index from the shared memory

STAR --genomeDir </path/to/STAR/index/folder> --genomeLoad Remove

Command line usage

./BALDR --single <file.fastq.gz> <options>

./BALDR --paired <R1.fastq.gz,R2.fastq.gz> <options>

  --method       One or more reconstruction methods. For multiple methods, separte only by comma
  		 human: IG-mapped_Unmapped (default), Unfiltered, IG-mapped_only, IMGT-mapped, Recombinome-mapped 
  		 rhesus_monkey: FilterNonIG (default), Unfiltered, IG-mapped_only, IG-mapped_Unmapped
  --organism     human (default) or rhesus_monkey
  --trinity      Path for Trinity (e.g. ~/trinityrnaseq-Trinity-v2.3.2/Trinity) (required)
  --adapter      Path for the Trimmomatic adapter file (e.g. ~/Trimmomatic-0.36/adapters/NexteraPE-PE.fa) (required)
  --trimmomatic  Path for trimmomatic.jar file (e.g. ~/Trimmomatic-0.36/trimmomatic-0.36.jar) (required)
  --igblastn     Path for igblastn (e.g. ~/ncbi-igblast-1.6.1/bin/igblastn) (required)
  --db           Path for custom IgBLAST database. The folder should contain the following files: 
		 human_IG_V.*,human_IG_D.*,human_IG_J.*,human_IG_C.*,human_gl.aux OR
		 If any file is not available, it can be copied from resources	 
  --STAR         Path for the STAR binary (required)
  --STAR_index   Path for the STAR aligner genome index
  --sharedMemory Flag to indicate if STAR should use LoadAndKeep for shared memory. (Default NoSharedMemory)
  --BALDR        Path for the BALDR directory (e.g. ~/BALDR) (required)
  --memory       Max memory for Trinity (default 32G)
  --threads      number of threads for STAR/bowtie2/Trinity (default 1)
  --version      Version
  --help         Print this help

Running BALDR using the Docker image

# Single end
docker run -v </path/to/STAR/index>:/genome -v </path/to/fastq/files>:/data -w /data bosingerlab/baldr /home/tools/BALDR-master/BALDR --single /data/<file1_R1_001.fastq.gz> --trimmomatic /home/tools/Trimmomatic-0.38/trimmomatic-0.38.jar --adapter /home/tools/Trimmomatic-0.38/adapters/NexteraPE-PE.fa --BALDR /home/tools/BALDR-master --trinity /home/tools/trinityrnaseq-Trinity-v2.3.2/Trinity --memory 32G --threads 16 --STAR /home/tools/STAR-2.6.0c/bin/Linux_x86_64/STAR --STAR_index /genome --igblastn  /home/tools/ncbi-igblast-1.6.1/bin/igblastn

# Paired end
docker run -v </path/to/STAR/index>:/genome -v </path/to/fastq/files>:/data -w /data bosingerlab/baldr /home/tools/BALDR-master/BALDR --paired /data/<file1_R1_001.fastq.gz>,/data/<file1_R2_001.fastq.gz> --trimmomatic /home/tools/Trimmomatic-0.38/trimmomatic-0.38.jar --adapter /home/tools/Trimmomatic-0.38/adapters/NexteraPE-PE.fa --BALDR /home/tools/BALDR-master --trinity /home/tools/trinityrnaseq-Trinity-v2.3.2/Trinity --memory 64G --threads 32 --STAR /home/tools/STAR-2.6.0c/bin/Linux_x86_64/STAR --STAR_index /genome --igblastn  /home/tools/ncbi-igblast-1.6.1/bin/igblastn

Output directories

The output is written in the working directory. The following folders are created:

  • Trimmed - contains trimmed reads output by Trimmomatic
  • STAR - contains output of STAR aligner
  • IG-mapped_Unmapped/FilterNonIG/Unfiltered/IG-mapped/Recombinome-mapped/IMGT-mapped - Folder created based on number of methods used Each of the above folder contains:
    1. Trinity - output of Trinity assembly
    2. IgBLAST - output of IgBLAST
    3. IgBLAST/tabular - (ii) parsed into a tabular format
    4. IgBLAST_quant - (iii) + number of reads mapped to the complete sequence and VDJ sequence
    5. IgBLAST_quant_sorted - (iv) sorted by number of reads mapped to the complete sequence
    6. IgBLAST_quant_sorted_filtered - (v) filtered to retain only productive sequences and remove redundant models. The final results are saved in this folder.

Aggregate results for all cells

The and scripts in BALDR/lib can be used to aggregate results for all the cells.

./ <path/to/IgBLAST_quant_sorted_filtered>
./ <path/to/IgBLAST_quant_sorted_filtered>

This will generate a tab separated file with all filtered models for all cells.

The columns of the Results_IGH_rank_all.txt file are as follows:

Column number Column Description
1 SampleID Cell/Sample file name
2 Chain Heavy
3 Method Method used
4 Rank Rank sorted by # reads mapped
5 Query Transcript ID
6 Error Rare cases of misassembly where both IGH and IGL genes predicted
7 Variable coords V start to C start/V start to J end (if no C hit)
8 Model length Length of complete chain
9 Bowtie2 count Number of reads mapping to complete sequence
10 VDJ length Length of VDJ region
11 VDJ Bowtie2 count Number of reads mapping to VDJ sequence
12 V subject id blast results for top V hit
13 V % identity
14 V alignment length
15 V mismatches
16 V gap opens
17 V gaps
18 V q. start
19 V q. end
20 V s. start
21 V s. end
22 V evalue
23 V bit score
24 J subject id blast results for top J hit
25 J % identity
26 J alignment length
27 J mismatches
28 J gap opens
29 J gaps
30 J q. start
31 J q. end
32 J s. start
33 J s. end
34 J evalue
35 J bit score
36 C subject id blast results for top C hit
37 C % identity
38 C alignment length
39 C mismatches
40 C gap opens
41 C gaps
42 C q. start
43 C q. end
44 C s. start
45 C s. end
46 C evalue
47 C bit score
48 Top V gene match IgBLAST results
49 Top D gene match
50 Top J gene match
51 Chain type
52 stop codon
53 V-J frame
54 Productive
55 Strand
56 V end
57 V-D junction
58 D region
59 D-J junction
60 J start
61 CDR3
62 CDR3_nucleotide
63 CDR3_aminoacid
64 Orientation
65 Sequence
66 Sequence(+) Sequence in the + orientation
67 VDJ sequence VDJ sequence in the + orientation

The columns of the Results_IGKL_rank_all.txt file are as follows:

Column number Column Description
1 Sample Cell/Sample file name
2 Chain Light
3 Method Method used
4 Rank Rank sorted by # reads mapped
5 Query Transcript ID
6 Error Rare cases of misassembly where both IGH and IGL genes predicted
7 Variable coords V start to C start/V start to J end (if no C hit)
8 Model length Length of complete chain
9 Bowtie2 count Number of reads mapping to complete sequence
10 VJ length Length of VJ region
11 VJ Bowtie2 count Number of reads mapping to VJ sequence
12 V subject id blast results for top V hit
13 V % identity
14 V alignment length
15 V mismatches
16 V gap opens
17 V gaps
18 V q. start
19 V q. end
20 V s. start
21 V s. end
22 V evalue
23 V bit score
24 J subject id blast results for top J hit
25 J % identity
26 J alignment length
27 J mismatches
28 J gap opens
29 J gaps
30 J q. start
31 J q. end
32 J s. start
33 J s. end
34 J evalue
35 J bit score
36 C subject id blast results for top C hit
37 C %identity
38 C alignment length
39 C mismatches
40 C gap opens
41 C gaps
42 C q. start
43 C q. end
44 C s. start
45 C s. end
46 C evalue
47 C bit score
48 Top V gene match IgBLAST results
49 Top J gene match
50 Chain type
51 stop codon
52 V-J frame
53 Productive
54 Strand
55 V end
56 V-J junction
57 J start
58 CDR3
59 CDR3_nucleotide
60 CDR3_aminoacid
61 Orientation
62 Sequence
63 Sequence(+) Sequence in the + orientation
64 VJ sequence VJ sequence in the + orientation

Clonal assignment

... in progress


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