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$ ./xraysub.exe gen --url=https://comfysub.example.com
Requesting subscriptions from https://comfysub.example.com
Start detecting server's latency
Detecting 100% [========================================] [6s:0s]
Got fastest node "中国-香港 IEPL(hk.example.com:61307)" with latency 127ms
The xray-core's configuration file is saved ./xray-config.json
Suppose the xray.exe
and xraysub.exe
are in the current directory.
├── xray.exe
└── xraysub.exe
- First run
to get xray-core's configuration file.
$ ./xraysub.exe gen --url=https://comfysub.example.com
- Run xray-core
$ ./xray-core.exe -c xray-config.json
- Use the proxy
$ curl -x HTTPS_PROXY:// https://www.google.com
$ .\xraysub.exe help gen
generate xray configuration file from subscription url
xraysub gen [flags]
--detect-latency detect server's latency to choose the fastest node (default true)
--detect-thread-number int detect server's latency threads number (default 5)
-h, --help help for gen
-o, --output-file string output configuration to file (default "./xray-config.json")
-u, --url string subscription address(URL)
--xray string xray-core path for detecting server's latency (default "./xray.exe")
--xray-http-port int xray-core listen http port (default 1081)
--xray-socks-port int xray-core listen socks port (default 1080)