This projects purpose is to be an example/demo for the geo package, and to test some things that are difficult to unit test.
dt := time.Now().Sub(easeStartTime)
duration := 1 * time.Second
t := geo.Clamp(dt.Seconds()/duration.Seconds(), 0, 1)
startPos := geo.VecXY(0, 0)
endPos := geo.VecXY(10, 10)
pos := geo.EaseVec(startPos, endPos, t, geo.EaseOutQuad)
for i := 0; i < w*h; i++ {
x, y := float64(i%w), float64(i/w)
val := geo.PerlinOctave(x*0.01, y*0.01, 0, 5, 0.5)
perlinImg.Pix[4*i] = uint8(0xff * val)
perlinImg.Pix[4*i+1] = uint8(0xff * val)
perlinImg.Pix[4*i+2] = uint8(0xff * val)
perlinImg.Pix[4*i+3] = 0xff
shaker := geo.Shaker{
Amplitude: 20,
Frequency: 20,
StartTime: time.Now(),
Duration: 2 * time.Second,
Falloff: geo.EaseOutQuad,
actualPos := geo.VecXY(0, 0)
offset := shaker.Shake(time.Now())
pos := actualPos.Plus(offset)
// Start again later
if now.After(shaker.EndTime()) {
shaker.StartTime = now
arcGen := geo.OffsetVec(geo.RandVecArc(30, 50, -math.Pi/2, math.Pi/4), geo.StaticVec(geo.VecXY(220, 70)))
points := [100]geo.Vec{}
for i := range points {
points[i] = arcGen()
func (m *movingBlock) update(t time.Time, bounds geo.Rect) {
dt := t.Sub(m.lastUpdate)
m.lastUpdate = t