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arma3mercenaries Kill Notification, Kill Reward, & Death Marker Script

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arma3mercenaries Enhanced Kill Script: Kill Notification, Kill Reward, & Death Marker System


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The arma3mercenaries Enhanced Kill Script provides comprehensive features for managing kill notifications (killfeed), rewards, penalties, and death markers in Arma 3 missions. The script supports a wide range of customizable options via CBA (Community Base Addons), enabling players and mission creators to tailor the experience to their needs.


  • CBA (Community Base Addons): Required for the enhanced version.
  • ACE (Advanced Combat Environment): Optional, for the unconscious marker functionality.
Core Features

Killfeed Notification

  • Description: Displays a HUD notification for every kill, showing the name and distance of the killed unit.
  • CBA Settings:
    • Enable Killfeed: Toggles the display of the killfeed notification.
    • Killfeed Display Duration: Adjusts the duration (in seconds) that the killfeed notification remains on screen.
    • Enable Kill Notification Sound: Toggles the sound notification that plays when a kill is registered.

Rewards and Penalties

  • Friendly Fire Penalty:
    • Description: Deducts a specified amount of credits from the player’s bank account for friendly fire incidents.
    • CBA Settings:
      • Friendly Fire Penalty (Bank): Sets the amount of credits deducted for friendly fire incidents.
  • Friendly Fire Compensation:
    • Description: Awards a specified amount of credits to a player killed by friendly fire. Credits are added to the player’s bank account.
    • CBA Settings:
      • Friendly Fire Compensation (Bank): Sets the amount of credits awarded to a player when killed by friendly fire.
  • Kill Rewards:
    • Description: Awards a random amount of credits to the killer for killing enemy units.
    • CBA Settings:
      • OPFOR Kill Reward (Random, Wallet): Sets the maximum random amount of credits awarded for killing an OPFOR unit.
      • NATO Kill Reward (Random, Wallet): Sets the maximum random amount of credits awarded for killing a NATO unit.
      • Independent Kill Reward (Random, Wallet): Sets the maximum random amount of credits awarded for killing an Independent unit.
  • Kill Penalties:
    • Description: Deducts a specified amount of credits from the killer’s bank account for killing certain units, such as civilians or allied Independents.
    • CBA Settings:
      • NATO Penalty for Killing Independent (Bank): Sets the amount of credits deducted for killing an Independent unit as NATO.
      • Civilian Kill Penalty (Bank): Sets the amount of credits deducted for killing a civilian.

AI Wallet Management

  • Description: Adds a random amount of credits to the wallets of killed AI units, making them lootable.
  • CBA Settings:
    • OPFOR AI Wallet Amount (Random, Wallet): Sets the maximum random amount of credits found on a killed OPFOR AI unit.
    • NATO AI Wallet Amount (Random, Wallet): Sets the maximum random amount of credits found on a killed NATO AI unit.
    • Independent AI Wallet Amount (Random, Wallet): Sets the maximum random amount of credits found on a killed Independent AI unit.
    • Civilian AI Wallet Amount (Random, Wallet): Sets the maximum random amount of credits found on a killed Civilian AI unit.

Death Markers

  • Description: Creates markers on the map at the location where a player or AI unit was killed. The marker includes the faction, killer’s name, weapon used, and the distance.
  • CBA Settings:
    • Death Marker Size: Sets the size of the death markers on the map.

Death Penalty

  • Description: Deducts a specified amount of credits from the player's bank account upon death.
  • CBA Settings:
    • Death Penalty Amount (Bank): Sets the amount of credits deducted when the player dies.

Silent Hints

  • Description: Provides notifications related to rewards and penalties without disrupting gameplay with loud hints.
  • CBA Settings:
    • Enable Silent Hints: Toggles the display of silent hints related to kill rewards and penalties.

Unconscious Marker

  • Description: Creates a yellow marker on the map when a player is knocked unconscious (requires ACE).
  • Functionality:
    • The marker is created only if the unconscious marker feature is enabled.
    • If the player regains consciousness or dies, the marker is removed.
    • A system chat message is sent when a player is knocked unconscious, and the marker is created.
  • CBA Settings:
    • Enable Unconscious Marker: Toggles the creation of markers for unconscious players on the map.
In-Game Experience
  • Immersive Feedback: Players receive immediate visual and audio feedback for their kills and deaths, enhancing the tactical experience.
  • Customization: With the extensive CBA settings, mission creators and players can fine-tune how the script interacts with their gameplay, including adjusting rewards, penalties, killfeed behavior, and more.
  • Unconscious Marker: If enabled, players knocked unconscious will have their position marked with a yellow icon, providing teammates with immediate information about their status.
Script Summary


This script manages:

  • Killfeed notifications
  • Rewards and penalties
  • Death markers

It applies to both AI and player-controlled units in an Arma 3 mission. The script handles various scenarios based on the faction of the killed unit and applies appropriate rewards or penalties. It also creates markers on the map to indicate where a player or AI unit was killed, enhancing the tactical experience of the mission.

Core Logic Breakdown

1. Local Instigator Check

  • The script verifies if the _instigator (the unit responsible for the kill) is local to the machine, ensuring only relevant scenarios are processed.
  • It checks if the killed unit is a human-like entity (CAManBase), limiting the script's application to appropriate scenarios.

2. Determine Sides of Killer and Killed Unit

  • The script determines the faction (side) of both the killer and the killed unit by checking their configuration in the game.
  • These values are stored in _sideKiller and _sideKilled.

3. Determine Name and Color of Killed Unit

  • The script retrieves the name and color associated with the killed unit.
    • For AI units, it uses the display name from the game’s configuration.
    • For player units, it uses the player’s in-game name.
  • The color of the unit is determined based on their faction and stored in _killed_Color.

4. Calculate Distance Between Killer and Killed Unit

  • The script calculates the distance between the killer and the killed unit, storing this value in _distance.

5. Retrieve Weapon Information

  • The weapon used for the kill is identified, and its display name is retrieved from the game’s configuration.
  • If no weapon picture is available, the script checks for the vehicle used by the instigator.

6. Friendly Fire Detection

  • If the killer and the killed unit belong to the same faction (friendly fire) and the killer is a player:
    1. The script deducts 10,000 credits from the player’s bank account as a penalty.
    2. A hint is sent to the player informing them of the friendly fire incident and the penalty.
    3. If a player is killed by friendly fire, they receive 20,000 credits to their bank account (10,000 to offset the death penalty and 10,000 as compensation). A hint is sent to the player with details about the incident.

7. Side-Based Reward and Penalty Logic

Case 0: OPFOR Killed
  • Reward: The killer (player or AI) receives a random reward of up to 10,000 credits added to their wallet. If the killer is a player, they receive an on-screen hint about the reward.
  • Additional Feature: The killed OPFOR unit receives a random amount of up to 10,000 credits in their wallet, making their corpse lootable.
  • Killfeed: A HUD notification displays the name and distance of the killed OPFOR unit.
  • Death Marker: If a player kills an OPFOR AI unit, a red death marker is placed on the map at the location of the kill, labeled with the faction name, killer’s name, weapon used, and the distance.
Case 1: NATO Killed
  • Reward/Penalty: If the killer is OPFOR, they receive a reward of up to 10,000 credits added to their wallet. If the killer is NATO (friendly fire), they are penalized with a 10,000 credit deduction from their bank account, and a hint is shown.
  • Additional Feature: The killed NATO unit receives a random amount of up to 1,000 credits in their wallet.
  • Killfeed: A HUD notification displays the kill information.
  • Death Marker: If a player kills a NATO AI unit, a blue death marker is placed on the map, labeled with the faction name, killer’s name, weapon used, and the distance.
Case 2: Independent Killed
  • Reward/Penalty: If the killer is OPFOR, they receive a reward of up to 10,000 credits added to their wallet. If the killer is NATO (NATO allied), they are penalized with a 10,000 credit deduction from their bank account, and a hint is shown.
  • Additional Feature: The killed Independent unit receives a random amount of up to 1,000 credits in their wallet.
  • Killfeed: A HUD notification displays the kill information.
  • Death Marker: If a player kills an Independent AI unit, a green death marker is placed on the map, labeled with the faction name, killer’s name, weapon used, and the distance.
Case 3: Civilian Killed
  • Penalty: The killer, regardless of side, is penalized with a 10,000 credit deduction from their bank account, and a hint is shown.
  • Additional Feature: The killed Civilian unit receives a random amount of up to 1,000 credits in their wallet.
  • Killfeed: A HUD notification displays the kill information.
  • Death Marker: If a player kills a Civilian AI unit, a purple death marker is placed on the map, labeled with the faction name, killer’s name, weapon used, and the distance.
In-Game Experience
  • Rewards and Penalties: Players and AI units receive financial rewards or penalties based on their actions, such as killing enemy units, committing friendly fire, or killing civilians.
  • Killfeed: Players receive immediate visual feedback about their kills through HUD notifications, enhancing the gameplay experience.
  • Death Markers: Markers placed on the map provide visual cues for the locations of recent kills, helping players track significant events during the mission.
  • Death Penalty: Players face financial consequences for dying, encouraging more careful and strategic gameplay.
  • Unconscious Marker: If enabled, this marker helps teammates locate and assist unconscious players, enhancing team coordination.

To integrate and use this script in your mission, simply add the script files to your main mission folder and ensure the CBA settings are configured to your preference.


This comprehensive system is designed to enhance the tactical and immersive aspects of arma3mercenaries missions by rewarding or penalizing actions based on faction dynamics while also providing players with clear and immediate feedback through visual and audio notifications.


arma3mercenaries Kill Notification, Kill Reward, & Death Marker Script






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