WToast is a simple info box for iOS inspired by Android Toast.
iOS 8.0 and higher.
- Show toast object with custom text
- Show toast object with custom image
[WToast showWithText:@"This is a short test."];
[WToast showWithText:@"This is a long test." duration:kWTLong];
[WToast showWithText:@"This is a long test." duration:kWTLong roundedCorners:YES];
[WToast showWithText:@"This is a long test." duration:kWTLong roundedCorners:YES gravity:kWTGravityMiddle];
[WToast showWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"toast-image"]];
[WToast showWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"toast-image"] duration:10];
[WToast showWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"toast-image"] duration:12 roundedCorners:NO];
[WToast showWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"toast-image"] duration:12 roundedCorners:NO gravity:kWTGravityTop];
[WToast hideToast];
[WToast hideToastAnimated:YES];
This tiny library is public domain. If you like you can mention Brite Apps for it.