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Small standalone scripts Corrects splices in (nanopore read) alignments (psl format), using a whole genome annotation and a junctions file (genepred format).

nanoporeQC Bash program that runs blat to align adapters to nanopore reads and formats input for, then calls the program Creates a table with adapter positions in nanopore reads, based on a psl format input file. Creates a set of pretty histograms to show information on alignments, such as percentage indels and mismatches. Creates a bed file for masking adapters, which can be used as input to maskOutFa Read a genepred input file, output all junctions in bed format Takes a SAM format file as input and creates an output directory with a junction file in bed format.

Details on labtools

This program corrects splices in (nanopore read) alignments (psl format), using a whole genome annotation and a junctions file (genepred format).

                        -w WIGGLE [-o OUTDIR] [-m MERGESIZE]
                        [-n NOVELTHRESHOLD]
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m MERGESIZE, --mergesize MERGESIZE
                        merge genome alignment gaps of this size (30)
                        report any novel junctions that are confirmed by at
                        least this many reads

required arguments:
                        genepred format genome annotation
  -j JUNCTIONS, --junctions JUNCTIONS
                        genepred format junctions from SAM file
  -g GENOFASTA, --genofasta GENOFASTA
                        genome fasta file
  -q QUERY, --query QUERY
                        psl format alignment to be corrected
  -w WIGGLE, --wiggle WIGGLE
                        wiggle room for annotated splice junction
  -o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
                        output directory

The junctions file should be derived from a short read alignment from the same sample, and can be created using, which is based on

NOTE TO USER: If you don't have a junctions file, just use the genome annotation file as input for both the -j and -a parameters.

Before looking for splices, small gaps in the alignment are merged. The gap size can be changed; default is 30. Splices are corrected if they are within a 'wiggle' distance of the intron start or intron end in the genome annotation.

For any novel splices, consensus sequences (GT/AG etc) are checked using the genome sequence. If no consensus is found, output junctions have '.' in the strand field.

The mRnaToGene program must be in $PATH

    novel.txt        contains a list of novel junctions with enough supporting reads
    junctions.bed    contains all junctions found in the query file. The score field contains the number of alignments with this junction.
    notfound.txt     is a list of query donor and acceptor sites that could not be found within the allowed wiggle distance
    multihit.txt     is a list of query donor and acceptor sites that had multiple hits within the allowed wiggle distance     contains all query annotations, splice corrected where possible

Notes: Novel junctions are only reported if they are identical in at least 3 annotations. This means that it is possible to miss junctions for which alignments are close but not identical. To see all novel junctions, set --novelthreshold to 1


This bash program runs blat to align adapters to nanopore reads and formats input for, then calls the program

Prerequisites are blat and faCount

Inputs are a reads file (fasta or fastq), and an adapter file (fasta with two sequences)

When ALSO given a reads-vs-transcripts alignment file (in sam or psl format), it adds the transcript matches to the output table

IF you add a sam format input, you MUST ALSO add a fasta file with the transcripts that were used in the alignments

The inputs must be in order, like so:

nanoporeQC reads.fa adapters.fa > output.tsv
nanoporeQC reads.fq adapters.fa alignments.psl > output.tsv
nanoporeQC reads.fa adapters.fa alignments.sam transcripts.fa > output.tsv

This program creates a table with adapter positions in nanopore reads, based on a psl format input file. Optionally a second alignment file of reads vs transcripts can be added in psl or sam format, the program then adds start and end positions of the transcript alignment in the read. If the sam format is used, you MUST give in a file with transcript sizes in the format

TranscriptID size

The program faCount outputs this format (you can leave the header and footer).

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --txalign TXALIGN     psl or sam format file of READS vs TRANSCRIPTS
  --txsizes TXSIZES     faCount output for transcripts, required if using sam

required arguments:
  --adaptalign ADAPTALIGN
                        psl format alignment of ADAPTERS vs READS
  --readsizes READSIZES
                        faCount output for nanopore reads

This program creates a set of pretty histograms to show information on alignments, such as percentage indels and mismatches.

usage: [-h] [-q] [-b OUTPUTBASE] sam

From input sam file, get alignment stats such as fraction of query aligned and
indels/mismatches from the CIGAR string and output histograms. Note: Reads
must not be hard clipped.

positional arguments:
  sam                   sam format file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q, --quiet           Do not print warnings about skipped reads
  -b OUTPUTBASE, --outputbase OUTPUTBASE
                        Output basename

Creates a bed file for masking adapters, which can be used as input to maskOutFa

usage: [-h] --adaptalign ADAPTALIGN [--minEndMatch MINENDMATCH]
                      [--minCover MINCOVER]

This program is based on nanoporeMatchTable py.
It takes in a psl file of adapter queries to a nanopore read database and outputs a bed file with coordinates
that can be used to mask the sequences.
Suggested blat settings:
	blat -minIdentity=0 -minMatch=0 -minScore=0

Matches within a settable limit from each end of the read (default 100) result in masking out the full end.
Matches outside this region with a set coverage (default 50nt of the read) are also masked out

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --minEndMatch MINENDMATCH
                        If the adapter matches within this range of the 5' or
                        3' end, the whole end is masked (default 100)
  --minCover MINCOVER   If the adapter matches away from the end, it must
                        cover at least this much of the read to be output
                        (default 50)

required arguments:
  --adaptalign ADAPTALIGN
                        psl format alignment of ADAPTERS vs READS

Read a genepred input file, output all junctions in bed format

usage: [-h] [-o OUTDIR] annotations

Create bed output format junctions file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

required arguments:
  annotations           genepred format genome annotation
  -o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
                        temporary output dir

Takes a SAM format file as input and creates an output directory with a junction file in bed format. This program is an adaptation of in juncBase

Usage: [options]

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -s SAM_FILE          SAM/BAM file of read alignments to junctions and
                       the genome. More than one file can be listed,
                       but comma-delimited, e.g file_1.bam,file_2.bam
  --unique             Only keeps uniquely aligned reads. Looks at NH
                       tag to be 1 for this information.
  -n NAME              Name prefixed to output files and used for
                       output BED file. Default=getASEventReadCounts_input
  -l READ_LENGTH       Expected read length if all reads should be of
                       the same length
  -c CONFIDENCE_SCORE  The mininmum entropy score a junction
                       has to have in order to be considered
                       confident. The entropy score =
                       -Shannon Entropy. Default=1.0
  -j FORCED_JUNCTIONS  File containing intron coordinates
                       that correspond to junctions that will be
                       kept regardless of the confidence score.
  -o OUTPUT_DIR        Directory to place all output files.


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