Hello, I am Bruno Bartolomeu
const aboutMe = {
name: 'Bruno Corrêa Bartolomeu',
age: '23 years old',
languages: ['JavaScript ES6', 'Node', 'typescript' 'Html', 'CSS'],
frameworks: ['React', 'Jest', 'express'],
orms: ['sequelize'],
databases: ['mysql'],
tools: ['redux', 'hooks', 'docker'],
soft-skills: [
'emotional intelligence',
learning: ['Typescript', 'CSS', 'Backend', 'socket.io']
I am 23 years old and live in Taubaté, state of São Paulo, Brazil, I love pushing my limits no matter the subject, I began my coding journey at the beggining of 2021 since then I'v been coding/programming almost every single day. What pushes me is my potential to help people in the future and generate value, I don't want to end up being just a sack of potential, so, I'm enjoying the process making friends, mistakes, successes so that one day I may fulfill my dreams.
I love reading books, especially philosophy, self-help genres, I'm also a calisthenics enthusiast and been vegan for 4 years.
- My web portfolio
- Student at Trybe