This is a Flutter based Pokedex app. It uses the PokeAPI to fetch the data.
- Flutter is a open source framework base on Google's Dart programming language to improve the development time between cross-platform devices.
- Http will make possible to fetch data from an REST API.
- Test, it is important to make sure that all classes and methods are working properly. Test will provide the methods to do it.
- Mockito provides a simple and powerful API for creating mock objects and defining their behavior.
- Build Runner is a an automated code generator. I'm using in this app to generate the multi language support (EN and ES), depending on the device language.
- Json Serializable allow us to convert fetched data (json) into a dart class. You'll be able to appreciate it in the poke api client in packages/poke_client/src/models.
- Bloc
- Flutter Bloc with BLoC, it makes easier to manage the state of the application and handle it.
- Equatable It is a code generation library that helps developers to easily define the equality between objects based on their values rather than their identity.
- intl package that provides several classes to handle different aspects of the internationalization.
- Google Fonts to select the specific font in the MaterialApp widget.
- Flutter Launcher Icons to generate the app icon.