I'm a Junior Quality Tester, I recently graduated from an internship with Codespace Academy.
Check me out on: .
- I'm really excited to be learning how to code and different coding languages. After starting a web development course on Coursera, I decided to move to Codespace where I could learn in a more structured environment and more languages.
- My first ever project was making a webpage about myself on Codepen https://codepen.io/BukhoCosa/pen/yLpqNXe and my second a paint canvas https://codepen.io/BukhoCosa/pen/MWQoagz
- Outside the world of tech I really like to crochet and design clothing, I will occasionally draw something that isn't clothing but I prefer to draw outfits.
- I like watching stand-up comedy and listening to finance podcasts but the books I read are more often than not historical fiction or self-help.