Releases: BumbleSoftware/Fastload
Fastload 2.4.2 for Forge 1.19.2
Fabric 1.19.2+2.4.1
Fixed server crash
Fixed server crash
mc1.19.2-v1.3.2 for Forge
Documented Config
Cancel the "Joining world" screen when "FORCE_CLOSE_LOADING_SCREEN" is true
Pre-generation is allowed to be up to a limit of 32 radii now!
Added MANY failsafes to avoid problems.
Added a new Pause screen cancellation to stop the "white world icon" problem more effectively.
Added a "debug" option to debug things that are happening in order to diagnose issues better
Added fields to store values in order to avoid recalculations
Refactored FLMath to make all config variables pass through it to allow for easy organization
Removed useless and redundant code from FLMath + un-hardcoded methods
Organized Code from MinecraftClientMixin, FLMath & FLConfig to make things more readable.
Server ticks during Building Terrain.
Added a custom pre-rendering screen. Includes:
- Render Radius (like pre-generating)
- Limits Render Radius to value of game options' one
- Calculates amount of chunks being looked at (circle area multiplied by proportion of view, dynamically adjusts with FOV)
- "prepares" chunks
- Sets player's pitch (vertical looking) to 0 when loading to build chunks easier
- Failsafe
- Chunk try limit (Config boolean) ("How many times should the renderer attempt to build/prepare chunks before bailing")
Please report all bugs as Fastload is much more complex as of now, and is more prone to issues.
mc1.18.2-v1.3.2 for Forge
Documented Config
Cancel the "Joining world" screen when "FORCE_CLOSE_LOADING_SCREEN" is true
Pre-generation is allowed to be up to a limit of 32 radii now!
Added MANY failsafes to avoid problems.
Added a new Pause screen cancellation to stop the "white world icon" problem more effectively.
Added a "debug" option to debug things that are happening in order to diagnose issues better
Added fields to store values in order to avoid recalculations
Refactored FLMath to make all config variables pass through it to allow for easy organization
Removed useless and redundant code from FLMath + un-hardcoded methods
Organized Code from MinecraftClientMixin, FLMath & FLConfig to make things more readable.
Server ticks during Building Terrain.
Added a custom pre-rendering screen. Includes:
- Render Radius (like pre-generating)
- Limits Render Radius to value of game options' one
- Calculates amount of chunks being looked at (circle area multiplied by proportion of view, dynamically adjusts with FOV)
- "prepares" chunks
- Sets player's pitch (vertical looking) to 0 when loading to build chunks easier
- Failsafe
- Chunk try limit (Config boolean) ("How many times should the renderer attempt to build/prepare chunks before bailing")
Please report all bugs as Fastload is much more complex as of now, and is more prone to issues.
Performance and bugfixes!
Merge pull request #2 from BumbleSoftware/testing Added some new features and bugfixes for force close loading screen.
Fixed initial world rendering to happen earlier along with delaying the cancelling of 'loading terrain' a tiny bit to ensure rendering occurs.
Not really the initial one as I accidentally deleted the github repo lmao