Android KamuSm Signature(BES)
Time Stamps prove that a given date exists on a specified date. The Time Stamp Server confirms the integrity of the data and its presence on a particular date by using explicit key technology to sign timestamps.
Whether a contract is signed, the money is transferred, the application is made, etc. The need to prove date and time is vital for today's e-commerce, e-government applications. However, time stamps can be taken for any kind of electronic data for which a right to use intellectual property such as a new drawing, design, photograph, thought, research, formula, algorithm,
Timestamp according to Electronic Signature Law No. 5070: A record confirmed by an electronic signature by an electronic certificate service provider for the purpose of determining when an electronic data is produced, altered, sent, received and / or recorded.
KamuSM api uses only in Turkey. According to Kamusm firm support teams, currently this api supports only Cades + Bes signature. You can't use timestamped signature on android. But you can sign timestamp signature on server with using LTV upgrade. This information can't find easily. Also, I shared project file follows. In this project, there is Cades + Bes signature example.