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FigthingICE Introduction

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This repo is used for the training of the submitted agent ButcherPudeg and the further research on the opponent modeling.

Repo Structure:

├── Archived # it contains the backup for other algorithm i used before.
├── Docker # contains the Dockerfile to build up image to run the game and algorithm
├── Gym-FightingICE # This repo need to clone from another address
├── OOD # OOD related alogritm
├── OpenAI # the submitted agent and parameter for the competition
├── OppModeling # contains algorithm related with SAC,CPC etc.
├── # this readme
├── RHEA_PI_Evolution.png # picture for readme
├── RHEA_PI_initialization.png # picture for readme
├── # async version for SAC
├── # evaluation for SAC using OOD and CPC
├── # SAC alogrithm



apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jdk #openjdk11 should also work
pip install gym py4j port_for opencv-python tensorboard numpy 
# install pytorch according to your python and cuda version
# In order to run the game, the server requires Display, Sound and input devices and OpenGL for rendering. if you do not have a physical one, please refer to the Docker/DockerFile to see how to build up virtule devices or docker images

Build up runnable working folder for training

1. git clone
2. wget
3. unzip
4. cd FTG4.50/
5. git clone
6. cd Gym-FightingICE/
7. git checkout competition
8. pip install -e .

Game mechanics

  • Game is written in Java and also wrapped for python by py4j
  • Game can run in both Fastmode and non-Fastmode. In fast mode, game will wait for the output from both AIs and has no limitation on the FPS, while in the non-fastmode, game will run in 60FPS and will not wait for the output from Both AIs. fastmode can be used for training and non-fastmode is used for the competition (WARNING: game might encounter deadlock when run parallel in fastmode)
  • In the Non-fastmode If an output from the AI is not sent, Game will consider the AI's last input as a new input. For example, if AI has used 22ms to decide its input based on the previous frame's information, it will only have 11.34ms (16.67 * 2 - 22) left to make its decision with the latest game situation, with a delay of 15 frames.
  • Game can send both RAM data or pixel data, 15 frames delay are introduced if using the RAM data, no delay if using visual (pixel) data
  • In the standard competition, Each game contains 3 rounds, each rounds take at most 60s. Each character has 400 initial HP. After each round, the characters' positions and HPs will be reset. Both of these parameters can be modified if needed.

For more details about this Fighint Game mechanics, please refer to

  1. Introduction of the game flow
  2. Information about the character
  3. Information about the combo system
  4. Introduction of the CommandCenter class

Competition Rules

  • Two leagues (Standard and Speedrunning) are associated to each of the three character types, so there are total six leagues.
  • In the Standard League, Winner is the one with the HP above zero at the time its opponent's HP has reached zero in a round. The league for a given character type is conducted in a round-robin fashion with two games for any pair of entry AIs switching P1 and P2. The AI with highest number of winning rounds becomes the league winner; If necessary, remaining HPs are used for breaking ties.
  • In the Speedrunning League, winner of a given character type is the AI with the shortest average time to beat the sample MctsAi. If MctsAi cannot be beaten in 60s, the beating time of its opponent entry AI is penalized to 70s.
  • Zen's official character data are available in advance while the official character data of Garnet and Lud will not be revealed
  • The competition winner is finally decided by the sum of league points across all six leagues.
  • AI controller will be given 5 seconds as ready time to initialize
  • AI controller can use a maximum of 1GB of memory (including the game)
  • No multi thread allowed
  • Only allowed to read and write files in directory under data/aiData. Any file written may not exceed 50MB

Action Space

When the character is on ground, all AIR actions will be considered invalid by the simulator. Likewise, all GROUND actions are considered invalid if the character is in air. There are total 56 actions in the Game. However some of 56 actions can not be activly conduct by the agent, e.g. 14:AIR_GUARD_RECOV, this is the action indicates the agent is recovering from the air_gurad action.

All Avaible Actions, comment out action are useless


For details please refer to

Observation Space

From FrameData

int currentFrameNumber
int currentRound
boolean emptyFlag
CharacterData.class /*p1 and p2 instances are different*/
boolean playerNumber /*true} if the character is P1, or {@code false} if P2.*/
int hp
int energy
int x /*The character graphic's most top-left x-coordinate. */
int y /*The character graphic's most top-left y-coordinate */
int left /*The character's hit box's most-left x-coordinate.*/
int right /* The character's hit box's most-right x-coordinate.*/
int top /*The character's hit box's most-top y-coordinate.*/
int bottom /*The character's hit box's most-bottom y-coordinate.*/
int speedX /*The character's vertical speed.*/
int speedY /*The character's vertical speed.*/
int graphicSizeX /*The character's graphic width*/
int graphicSizeY /*The character's graphic height*/
int graphicAdjustX /*The amount of movement in the horizontal direction used to adjust the x coordinate when determining the direction of the character.*/
boolean front /*The character's facing direction, true if the character is facing right*/
boolean control /*The flag whether this character can run a new motion with the motion's command */
int remainingFrame /*The number of frames that the character needs to resume to its normal status.*/
boolean hitConfirm /*The flag whether this character can run a new motion with the motion's command */
int hitCount /* The continuous hit count of attacks used by this character*/
int lastHitFrame /*The frame number of the last frame that an attack used by this character hit the opponent.*/
State state /*The character's state*/
Action action /*The character's action*/
AttackData attackData /*The attack data that the character is using*/
Deque<Key> inputCommands /*The list storing keys of the action that the character will be executing in the simulator */
Deque<Key> processedCommands /*The list storing up to 30 keys that the character executed in the simulator. */
HitArea settingHitArea /*TheHitArea's information of this attack hit box set in Motion.csv.*/
HitArea currentHitArea /*The HitArea's information of this attack hit box in the current frame.*/
int settingSpeedX /*The absolute value of the horizontal speed of the attack hit box (zero  means the attack hit box will track the character) */
int settingSpeedY 
int currentFrame /*The number of frames since this attack was used*/
boolean playerNumber /**/
int speedX /*The horizontal speed of the attack hit box (minus when moving left and plus when moving right)*/
int speedY /*The vertical speed of the attack hit box (minus when moving up and plus when moving down).*/
int startUp /*The number of frames in Startup.*/
int active /*The number of frames in Active.*/
int hitDamage /*The damage value to the unguarded opponent hit by this skill.*/
int guardDamage /*The damage value to the guarded opponent hit by this skill.*/
int startAddEnergy /*The value of the energy added to the character when it uses this skill.*/
int hitAddEnergy /*The value of the energy added to the character when this skill hits the opponent. */
int guardAddEnergy /*The value of the energy added to the character when this skill is blocked by the opponent. */
int giveEnergy /*The value of the energy added to the opponent when it is hit by this skill.*/
int impactX /*The change in the horizontal speed of the opponent when it is hit by this skill. */
int impactY /**/
int giveGuardRecov /*The number of frames that the guarded opponent needs to resume to his  normal status after being hit by this skill. */
int attackType /*The value of the attack type: 1 = high, 2 = middle, 3 = low, 4 = throw.*/
boolean downProp  /*The flag whether this skill can push down the opponent when hit.*/
boolean isProjectile /*The flag whether this skill is projectile or not.<br>*/

For the details please refer to,,

From ScreenData

Obtains RGB data of the screen in the form of ByteBuffer. Note: If the window is disabled, will just return a black buffer Details please refer to

OpenAI Gym Encapsulation

Overall introduction of this Gym env please refer to gym-fightingice

4 envs can be used:

  • FightingiceDataNoFrameskip-v0
  • FightingiceDataFrameskip-v0
  • FightingiceDisplayNoFrameskip-v0
  • FightingiceDisplayFrameskip-v0

The envs with "Data" returns a vector of game data with a delay of 15 frames as obs; The envs with "Display" returns an ndarray with no frame delay as obs, but FightingICE will run slower in this mode. The envs with "Frameskip" will skip the action processing if not meet certain requirement e.g. agent is not under control (passivly or actively)

Gym Action Space

same as the java one, contains 56 actions. For training, you can removed some useless actions

Gym Observation Space

Data Envs

If using the "Data" envs, it will return totally 143 processed data from FrameData. The following code show same example. You can modified this if you want different data from the game.

my = self.frameData.getCharacter(self.player)

# my information
myHp = abs(my.getHp() / 400)
myEnergy = my.getEnergy() / 300
myX = ((my.getLeft() + my.getRight()) / 2) / 960
myY = ((my.getBottom() + my.getTop()) / 2) / 640
mySpeedX = my.getSpeedX() / 15
mySpeedY = my.getSpeedY() / 28
myState = my.getAction().ordinal() # This would further convert into one-hot code for the 56 actions
myRemainingFrame = my.getRemainingFrame() / 70

# opp information
# ...

game_frame_num = self.frameData.getFramesNumber() / 3600

myProjectiles = self.frameData.getProjectilesByP1()
if len(myProjectiles) == 2:
    myHitDamage = myProjectiles[0].getHitDamage() / 200.0
    myHitAreaNowX = ((myProjectiles[0].getCurrentHitArea().getLeft() + myProjectiles[0].getCurrentHitArea().getRight()) / 2) / 960.0
    # ...

observation = np.array(observation, dtype=np.float32)
observation = np.clip(observation, 0, 1)

Basically the current gym Encapsulation only returned a simplified obs data from the original one. It might lose some information especially for the collision detection as it only return the centralized coordinations. We might need to extent this observation space in the future. For detailes please refer to

Display Envs

The original display data is same as java one. In this gym Encapsulation it receive the gray rescaled image of size (96,64,1). The pixel data need to enable the graphic rendering

AI Inferface

For both Java and Python implementation, the AI need to extend/implement the interface of AIIInterface. The major task for AI is to calculate the best action according to the observation.

public interface AIInterface {
    int initialize(GameData gd, boolean playerNumber);
    void getInformation(FrameData fd); /*receive data from FrameData*/
    void processing(); /*processing and calculation for AI*/
    Key input(); /*sent input actions*/
    void close(); /*Finalizes AI*/
    void roundEnd(int p1Hp, int p2Hp, int frames);/*Informs the result of each round*/
    default void getScreenData(ScreenData sd) {};

For the details please refer to

2019 Competition

Champion: ReiwaThunder

AI implementation

ReiwaThunder implements 6 Seperate AI controllers to deal with 6 different leagues plus a default AI to handle other cases:

  • Zen Standard
  • Zen SpeedRunning
  • Lud Standard
  • Lud Speedrunning
  • Garnet Stardard
  • Garnet SpeedRunning
  • default MyAI.

ReiwaThunder uses simlulator to address the 15 frames delay, which means it using the delayed framedata to simulate the current framedata, then performs calculation on the simulated framedata.

Although there are 6 different implementations, the overall doAct() method in processing to get the best action in each frame is similar. Take UseZenAI as an example

  1. create myActs and oppActs list according to the corresponding character state, for example: if(opp.getState()!=State.AIR)opacs=Grob.actionGround;}else{opacs=Grob.actionAir;}
  2. select action myActionsEnoughEnergy and oppActionsEnoughEnergy with enough energy from the above lists
  3. Return certain actions if current state meet some pre-set condition with/without simluation. it considers GUARD with high priority when being forced to the corner and kicked down. Simluation methods like getMinHpScore(Action myact,List<Action> opAcs) will simulat 50 frame according to the myact and opActs to return the hpscore. score = gapMyHp-gapOpHp. For example, if(calc.getMinHpScore(tac=Action.STAND_B,moveActs)>0){return (tac);}
  4. myActs is further divided into 3 list HittingMyActions, movingActions, nigeActions with getMinMaxHp(List<Action> myAcs,List<Action> opAcs) method to select the best action to perform.

The above is the overall description of the ReiwaThunder Zen Standard AI, the differences among AIs are shown in the following table, compared with the Zen Standard AI.

AI major Difference
Zen Standard Consider GUARD with high priority when being forced to the corner and kicked down.
Using getMinMaxHp with HittingMyActions, movingActions, nigeActions to handle different state
Zen SpeedRunning No nigeActions, No GUARD actions.
myActs exclude BACK_STEP, BACK_JUMP, AIR_FA, AIR_FB etcs.
Directly return the best attack action using turning score without MinMax
Lud Standard Using getMinMaxIfDamage with HittingMyActions, movingActions, nigeActions to handle different state
Lud SpeedRunning No nigeActions
Using getMinMaxIfDamage with HittingMyActions, movingActions, nigeActions to handle different state
Garnet Standard Fine-grained process for moving actions.
Additional jumpActions
Garnet SpeedRunning No nigeActions, No GUARD actions.
myActs exclude BACK_STEP, BACK_JUMP, AIR_FA, AIR_FB etcs.
Using getMinMaxHp with HittingMyActions,
Using getMinMaxIfDamage with movingActions
MyAI Standard & SpeedRunning No nigeActions, different GUARD strategy.
Using MCTS-UCB with movingActions, HittingMyActions to handle different states.
The MCT depth is 2.
The mct.playout use the same simulation and get same score as the getMinMaxHp method while only consider limited actions from myActs and oppActs`


ReiwaThunder implemented fine-grained AIs to optimize the performance in different leagues. Each individual AI is more like a rule based one with MinMax to search in limited depth. They are overall excellent agents but not general game AI. This implementation requires strong domain knowledge on the fighting game and a deep understanding on the mechanics of this game.

Second Place: RHEA_PI

AI implementation

The RHEA_PI agent is a general game AI, it uses Rolling Horizen Evolutionary Algorithm (RHEA) combined with a opponent model to select the best action for 6 leagues. RHEA_PI also take reference from Thunder (The previous version of RewiaThunder), It uses the simulator to simulate 14 frameData to address the delay problem

While under some special conditions it will also return certain actions directly , for example

if ((myAct == Action.DOWN || myAct == Action.RISE || myAct == Action.CHANGE_DOWN) && opp.getState() != State.AIR){
    if (this.lastOppAttackMotion.attackType==2)    return "4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4";
    else return "1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1";

RHEA based method The budge-time for calculation/prediction is the frame time interval: 16.5ms

1. Initialization For the first frame, RHEA will initialize a population, which contains POPULATION_SIZE=4 individuals. Each Indiviual contains SIMULATION_DEPTH=3 Genes. Each Gene contains INNER_MACRO_ACTION_LENGTH=1 macro actions.

The overall algorithm flow is illustrated in the following figure


The reward get after the rollout and evaluation is double rawScore = (double)(myHp - oppHp + my.getHitCount() - opp.getHitCount()); The Individual class implemented the compareTo Interface, thus it could be sorted. The sort key is fitness=value * (1-player.params.D) + diversity * player.params.D;. The value is the latest added reward.

2. Eovlution Evolution

3. Rolling Horizen For the later frames, each Gene of an Inidividual will pop the first action and add random action into the end. Then reset the Inidividual value.

Opponent Model

  1. Build using one layer linear network with gradientNormalization, Adam Optimizer, Softmax, PI Loss
  2. record/stack input/output pair in each frame with method public void record(GameData gd, FrameData fd, boolean player, int target)
  3. Input (12): {myHp, myEnergy, myPosX, myPosY, myState, oppHp, oppEnergy, oppPosX, oppPosY, oppState, distX, distY} from gameData and frameData
  4. Output: Probabilities of opponent actions. In the prediction, the result will filtered the invalid action.


RHEA_PI is a general AI for the FightingICE, partially take reference from the Thunder to handle special conditions. RHEA_PI used single layer neural network to predict the opponent action and implemented Rolling Horizen Evolutionary Algorithm to perform best action for each frame.


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