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After pulling the project from github run:

$ dotnet core restore

Use VSCode, Visual Studio for Windows or MacOSX.

The docker containers, are linux containers, no Windows containers

Eunning the Project

$ docker-compose up --build

RabbitMQ Managment Console

With the docker compose running, open this URL in your web browser. Credentetials guest/guest


Swagger API documentation

browse http://localhost:/swagger

Running Web service

$ dotnet run --project .\publisher_api\ 

Starting docker compose

Execute at docker-compose.yml path, the next command in the terminal

$ docker-compose up --build 
$ docker-compose down

Running the worker

$  dotnet run --project .\worker\
$  docker run my_worker

Creating docker image from Dockerfile

$ docker build -t my_publisher_api .
$ docker build -f ./Dockerfile -t my_worker ..

Docker - Start docker from an docker image

$ docker run my_publisher_api 

Docker - Eliminating stopped containers

$ docker system prune

Docker - Display all container && images

$ docker images ls
$ docker container ls
$ docker ps -a
$ docker rmi <image_id>