PTPH is a 2 part solution to the hotkey for issue #7 for PNGTuber Plus.
Part 1 is to modify the
script. This allows the number keys to to toggle costume/emotes as expected. This can be used stand alone if you have focus on PNGTuber Plus. So commentary users should be fine.
Part 2 is a companion program that asks X11 permission of the (non-numpad) number keys, plus the Home key. This then sends a localhost TCP message to PNGTuber Plus (secondary alteration to
) which is acting as a server to await these messages. This is helpful to users who want to user PNGTuber Plus while playing video games.
- Godot (Parts 1 & 2)
- PNGTuber Plus Source (Parts 1 & 2)
- g++ (Part 2)
- keyboard with Home key1 (Part 2)
Parts 1 & 2 both require making changes to
. You can replace the whole file with the new one, or run a diff checker to find just the changes and implement it by hand.
For Part 2, either use the released binary and run ./ptph
, or compile from source using
g++ -o ptph ptphotkeyer.cpp -lX11
and then run. While ptph is running, both it and PNGTuber Plus can be minimized or otherwise out of focus
- Hogs use of number keys (but not numpad) and Home key. Any game that needs these keys will be without them
- Does not fix the "Awaiting input..." issue in binding new macros in PNGTuber Plus' settings
- Doesn't support dynamic bindings, but .cpp file would be the place to make these changes
Home key is used to close ptph by default, alter source for another key or you might need to restart X server if you experience being locked out of your number keys ↩