CC0 implementation of some basic string/file utilities which I find infinitely useful/
Never write them again. Please. Just stop.
strcatalloc (strcat, but it mallocs the memory for you)
stcatallocf1, f2, fb (strcat, but it mallocs/reallocs for you, and it frees its first, second, or both arguments.)
strcata, strcataf1, f2, fb (Aliases for the above functions.)
read_until_terminator (Like readline, but not dependent on compiler-specific nonsense and none of that "prompt" nonsense)
read_until_terminator_alloced (Like readline again, but it has INFINITE CAPACITY. Automatically resizes its buffer to fit the string.)
read_file_into_alloced_buffer (Read an entire file into an allocated buffer.)
if you have a custom memory allocator, then
#define STRUTIL_ALLOC(s) my_memory_allocator(s)
#define STRUTIL_REALLOC(s,t) my_memory_realloc(s,t)
#define STRUTIL_FREE my_free(s)
This library comes with bOnUs CoNtEnT!
Want to write a simple compiler? Want to put it in the public domain?
you can tokenize text into a linked list using tokenize
- tokenize assumes that the text is allocated and can be free'd with STRUTIL_FREE.
- tokenize will free your text.
- tokenize will give you a
(string linked list) which is a linked list of structs that looks like this:
typedef struct strll{
char* text;
unsigned long identification;
void* data;
struct strll* right;
struct strll* child;
struct strll* left;
- right is the following node in the AST.
- child is the owned set of right-progressing nodes in the AST.
- You might decide for instance that a function declaration has an AST that looks like this
-left:'a' right:'b'
- left is the owned set of left-progressing nodes in the AST.
- text is the literal text as a result of tokenization that you get back from
- identification is for your use to identify nodes in the AST.
- data is for your use to organize compiled code.
you also get a free text compression scheme. This is what it looks like:
\~t3~THEfis7~FISHINGfl11~FLOUNDERING\~t ~fis BOAT IS ~fl.\\!\~^
The first two characters define the characters to be used for "escape" and "token"
Then comes a list of token definitions, ~ used to denote "tokenmark" (as in example) and \ used to indicate "escape"